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Fay Castro Oct 2016
I went to a flea market today
And between the stalls peddling jade
Antique swords
And old Japanese plastic toys,
I found a box of photographs
Forgotten by time

I picked up the photographs one by one
And in each of them I saw countless stories.
1940's Taiwan.
1920's Japan.
A couple.
A group of men.
A rice field.

I watched the smiling faces and the wide, vacant grins and wondered,
'Who are they?
'Where did they go?
'Who did they go home to?
'Where are they now?'

I looked at the photographs and saw us.
Happy. Content.
Unfettered by the passage of time.
Unaware that one day, we'll be nothing, or everything.
Uncaring about how short and how eternally slow life can be.

I look at us and wonder,
'Will anyone remember us, fifty years from now?
'Will anyone care what happened to us?
'Will we simply be, sixty years from now, old photographs in box in a ***** flea market?'
I found no answers to my questions.
I doubt I ever will.

I went to a flea market today.
But that's all in the past now.

I put the photographs back in the box.
I'm feeling very sentimental.
I've lived
In this city
18 years

And I never saw it
The way she saw it
Until she showed me

I never saw the lights
In the buildings
Because there were no reasons
To look at them
Until she told me
How beautiful they were
And she was right

The city
Isn't so mundane
Fay Castro Oct 2016
White princess,
Up in your diamond and ivory
Chanel and Louis tower.
Above all of us-
Simple folk

White princess,
Walking on pink rose petals
Spilled at your feet
By your family,
Who are just like us-
Simple folk

White princess,
Hands untouched by labour,
Soft as silk and water.
Skin unburnt by sunlight,
And unscarred.
Unlike us-
Simple folk

White princess,
Who will never know hardship
Pain, or suffering.
Walk all over us in your
Black and red Louboutins.
All of us-
Simple folk.
So done with this girl in my class.
My soul was ****** some time ago
But she brought it out of hell
The way her eyes looked into mine
Gave me new hope in the world and in life
Her fingers fit between mine like keys
Opening doors in myself I've never seen before
And when her lips touched mine
I found nirvana
Fay Castro Oct 2016
No amount of poems
No amount of words
Lyrics, songs, verses, or novels
Can adequately express how much you inspire me.

No amount of grains of sand,
Droplets of water,
Leaves on trees or feathers on birds
Can enumerate my absolute adoration for you.

No amount of days
No amount of hours
Months, years, decades, or millennia
Can appropriately describe how ardently I want you in my life.

And no amount of time
No amount of dark or light matter in this universe
And no stretch of imagination
Can comprehensively express
How much I love you.
Fay Castro Oct 2016
I love you more than words can say

and more than actions can express

and I love you even more

When your hands slide up my dress
I was tipsy at a bar and whispered this into his ear
Fay Castro Oct 2016
I want to hold your hands
And tell you everything I see
When I'm with you.

Every single sunrise I see in your smile
Every single ray of moonlight
I feel on my body
When you look at me

Every single sliver of ice I feel
Tracing down my back
When you kiss me
And caress my face

Every single burn
That singes my skin and my cheeks
When you touch me
And tell me I'm beautiful

I want you to see
What I see

What I feel

Because maybe if you did

You'd finally know the sheer magnitude of how much I truly love you.
And how much you affect me
I love him so much it's ridiculous
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