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 Nov 2014 farahD
Define perfect.
Is it a pretty face, nice hair?
Is it thin as a rod, or ripped with muscles?
Is it smart, witty and brilliant?
Is it funny and personable?
Is it friendly and kind?
Is it honest and true?
Is it in the way you walk, the way you talk?
Is it in your nature, in your core?
Is it inherent or attainable?
Is it even real, or just an illusion?
Perfection is an illusion, but one well wrought. Everyone falls into its trap.
 Nov 2014 farahD
You mean my whole world,
My whole life.
You are the reason I can love. Live. Laugh. Forgive.
You give me the strength to keep going.
I love you over everything.
You are my everything.
I can't do anything without you.
Without you, I'd be lost,
In the shades.
You are my night and day,
The reason I live,
I thank you for everything,
My family,
My friends,
My life.
You are the fountain of love,

Thank You God,
I can't say it enough.
Was feeling very grateful. Everyone, you should be grateful too. Especially with God. He has done everything for us. In the hashtag, there is no capitalisation, but God is capitalised.
 Nov 2014 farahD
 Nov 2014 farahD
Step 1: Make the decision.

Step 2: Take the blind leap.

Step 3: Follow through with conviction.

I think the last is the hardest to keep.
 Nov 2014 farahD
Mr Xelle
Oh please
say this to me,
Someone's out there will hold my hand.
Don't think
I go to sleep and never dream of being your man..

I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

My friends are closer to me then leaves that's on the branch.

So think
When me and you speak I feel like we are like atoms and wind.

I wanna hold your hand.
I wanna hold your hand.
 Nov 2014 farahD
I have always had demons in my dreams
but I never knew I would see them out of sleep

I have always had demons under my eyelids
but I never knew I would feel them between my ribs

I have always had demons under my skin
but I never knew I would try to befriend them
it's physical, tangible. i touch you everyday.
 Nov 2014 farahD
I think of you
every day that passes.
And then I think about how
you don't love me anymore.
I don't know how to cope with this
and I'm just hoping
that if I refuse to truly accept it
after awhile,
it'll happen without me realizing it
and I won't have to feel as much pain
but I can't imagine
it being much worse than this.

You don't love me anymore.

I find myself in my head
saying that I'll stop hoping that
you'll want me back,
next week.
Next month
or maybe
next year.
I keep making excuses for you
and thinking that I should keep waiting.
And so I just keep needing to say to myself that

you don't love me anymore.

I almost have to resist cringing
when he touches me
because I feel like
I'm cheating on you.
And then I remember that

you don't love me anymore.

He is your absolute opposite
which I hate most of the time
but sometimes it helps.
Sometimes I even come close
to convincing myself that
I actually like him.
And then the thoughts of you
flood my mind
and I know that this
is nothing more than myself
being too weak
to be alone.

I love you.
 Nov 2014 farahD
Silence Screamz
A thought of past
I seek no kind
Beyond controls
of a conquered mind

Be not one's self
seeking pity not pain
Controls no crash
on this crazy train.

Faulted with doubt,
desires no end.
Distorted transmissions
played back again.
 Nov 2014 farahD
Stages and Ages
What are real friends anyway
When everyone’s gone
At the first sight
Of the tide rolling out
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