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 Dec 2014 Fancy
Are we a couple?
Do we act like one?
Does it hurt?
That depends on which one of us you ask.
 Dec 2014 Fancy
 Dec 2014 Fancy
When their was no reason to live.
Life was useless, better to give.

You were frustrated and pumped.
From top of roof you jumped.

It was just a matter of second
yet enough to live whole life in this errand.

Ups and downs of life passed through your eyes.
You wished to give your life another try.

But now it was too late.
Worldly life had already closed its gate.

Your delicate body crashed into the ground.
It all ended with a dull and feeble sound.
 Dec 2014 Fancy
Beebz The Queen
A part of me just hates you
For who you are and what you've done
But then again it's not your fault
Cause you aren't the only one

In the end I've realized
I'm just a little insane
But is that such a bad thing
When you are screaming my name?

So love me please
Or hate me more
Stay forever my dear,
Otherwise--- there's the door.
 Dec 2014 Fancy
The nightingale never sings,
inside of a cage.
it dies imagining freedom.
 Dec 2014 Fancy
Layla Thurman
 Dec 2014 Fancy
Layla Thurman
My heart had your name
written on it so clearly
but your heart
only had a small smudge
where my name should have been.
He was drowning,
Drowning in the sea of emotions that had always been kept at bay,
Always been blocked by a wall he had so painstakingly built,
And now they had been set free to devour him
to consume him with all its might.
A black fluid that had always filled him,was now absent and all that was left was a void,
A void as massive as the cosmos and yet as tiny as a bee,
Flashes of memory sometimes filled the void,
Took him to abhorrent places.
Places he detested
But strangely these places comforted him,
He found solace where he never thought he would,
And maybe
Just maybe someone will carry his body straight to shore.
 Dec 2014 Fancy
adventure has started
you have to capture my heart,
i will be running ,
so begin the hunt.

adventure has started
be careful to choose the right path,
my forest is enchanted,
you might fall into a trap.

adventure has started
pick a weapon for this fight,
you must be cautios,
don't let me out of your sight.

adventure has started,
i'll be hiding somewhere far,
watch your moves,its dangerous,
i could leave you a scar.

adventure has started,
i think you have a chance to win,
just let your mind run wild
and keep your heart clean.
 Dec 2014 Fancy
 Dec 2014 Fancy
My soul is in angst,
craves writing desperate poerty.
To be ruled by chance,
love is hearts in anarchy.

I lust after a life that's full.
Emotion and mystery.
I'd hate it if it was dull
or ruled by destiny
 Dec 2014 Fancy
To be locked in a room.
Just me and just you.
To make the whole world bloom,
only for us two.

Drinking words from your voice,
being satiated by your sight.
A glorious rejoice,
that could last the whole short night.

And then, maybe, along the hours
my skin could feast with yours.
If we where in the same room.
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