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"Babe, you were my last thought in 2014, and now you're my first thought in 2015...
I love you."

That's what I texted you last year, at midnight, on New Years Eve.
You replied with, "Aw, thanks."

It's December 28th, 2015, and I haven't gone a day this year without you on my mind.
I don't think anyone understands what I feel towards you, you especially don't.

I feel like at one point you might have loved me.  Now I feel like you tolerate me, but even that can only last for so long.

I've spent a year loving someone who didn't love me back.  I've spent a year trying to make things work, with someone who never cared to try.  I don't think it was the healthiest year for me.  But the thing is, I can't blame anyone for it. It's been my choice, and it always has been.  I choose to make this year about you, I choose to put you first, I keep picking you.

Will 2016 be another year of you?  I guess it's my choice, let's see what I pick.
I tried so hard.
I had wanted to run you across the world
You curious squirrel!
I was nuts for you!
If only i hadn't grown up.
If only i were able to remain cynical.
I don't feel like i can keep you happy.
I have to carry the energy,its overwhelming.
If i complain about one thing,you breathe fire stomp your feet,call me callous and repeat
I have a question to ask.
Where are the shadows to go if the light
rejects them and they fear the darkness?
Those who only see the world in black and white,
will miss all the shades of gray that add depth.

To my family sitting in your ivory towers have you forgotten
what it was like in the darkness embrace.
Nothing more than crows pecking at the trash
hoping the charcoal that coated
everything we touch would be washed clean.
I guess it’s always easier to cast stones
then to try and light a path.

Where you see defiled flesh
I see stained glass for a temple,
Scars and burns just proof
that there is still hope.
Colored hair, metal, and pieces of fabric
are distracting you from the spark
that still burns inside.
If you treat them no better than rubble
what makes you think they will choose you?

Shadows can’t exist without light
and yet you would cut them off
from the very thing they need to be saved.
If you can’t forgive them and show love,
then I’m sure we aren’t walking the same path.
They’re convinced that we don’t want them
even though they need us.
If you don’t take them as they are
they will be swallowed by the darkness.
The hatred has to stop. We are all people who need help.
your smile
blew my mind
away to the sky
where i can reach all
of the stars
then hoping i'd fall
contented into your arms
feel the beating of my heart
of which you
saturated full of blood
of hopes and dreams
and maybe this time
with your hands and mine
hold a world together
through the worst and
through the better
sometimes the feelings you have for someone end up on paper instead of in their ears. hihihihi :)
the glass fills up
up to the top
and so do I

my dependency
is out of control
I lose myself
more and more
as I continue to pour
 Dec 2015 Fallon Engelkens
I guess I won that stupid fight of "I love you more."
The world is an unfair place
Much to my dismay
The humans lack grace
We didn't write the rules
It just happens that way
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