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i purposley make myself think of you at night ..
So you can end up dreaming of me
Because they say if you dream of someone they were thinking of you.
So if you cannot believe i think of you
I hope those dreams of me
Give you the signs .
Give me a little twinkle in your eye
Show me a little shake on your hips
Sing with a giggle, a brazen laugh
But nothing will be bright as a smile on stage

Give me a little hug when I cry
Show me your warm, calloused hands
Whisper to me lines of comfort
But nothing will be as loving as a warm smile shining down to me

Give me trust! Care! Love!
Show me arms stretched out, trusting and holding me at the same time
Scream from the top of your lungs, "I'm your guardian, your parent!"
But nothing will ceases my tears as quickly as a smile, expressing, with a curve of your lip
How much love exists

Strange, an idol, an obsession, created by a crinkle of the eyes and the curve of a lip
Subtle, bright, brilliant, the thing that keeps the relationship intact
But forgotten, as you want to be a cool kid
Consumed by apathy
The need to show happiness
Everyone forgets to smile all the time. People forget what it can do for a person.
I wander thro’ each charter’d street.
Near where the charter’d Thames does flow
A mark in every face I meet
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

In every cry of every Man.
In every Infants cry of fear.
In every voice; in every ban.
The mind-forg’d manacles I hear

How the Chimney-sweepers cry
Every blackening Church appalls.
And the hapless Soldiers sigh
Runs in blood down Palace walls

But most thro’ midnight streets I hear
How the youthful Harlots curse
Blasts the new-born Infants tear
And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse
 Apr 2015 those bygone years
I couldn't wait for the day the sun didn't feel like it was trying to burn me, or for the day the rain wasn't trying to fill my lungs. I couldn't wait for the day the highway wouldn't sound like it's calling me to play with it, or the day sidewalks quit threatening to swallow me whole. There was something about the way my fear of love made the words wrap themselves around my vocal cords. I'm sorry I've never been able to get those three words out without sounding like I'm going to choke. I couldn't wait for the day my love for you didn't feel like a consequence or for the day I could convince myself that what you felt for me was real. The truth is I'm not used to people staying longer than I'm able to hold myself back from pushing them away. I got in the habit of writing my love to you on the parts of my skin that I'd never let you see, so that tearing off my clothes would be the easiest way to show you how I feel. My veins are filling with ink now, a mix of red and blue filled with words left unsaid. Some nights I talk to the walls, some nights they tell me about where your knuckles made dents when I'd whisper in my sleep about leaving you; I never really thought you'd be the first one out the door. Loving you was making excuses. Loving you was throwing diamonds in wishing wells, knowing my hope wasn't worth the price. Sometimes when the highway calls me, sometimes when the sidewalks threaten to swallow me whole, sometimes when the rain fills my lungs with water;  letting you go looks a lot like the final death of me.

Pleasing thoughts of endless rhyme
from deep within do grow
I put to pen and paper dreams
these verses set to flow

To pour along your tender heart
trickle through a while
In hopes that they will bring you joy
and form your face a smile

You’ve asked before, where can it be
that I can find these ways
To write these verses every night
my love put on display

The only answer I can find
so deep within my heart
Is I will write my love for you
these moments we're apart

With only but the shortest time
to tell you how I feel
I use the words I send to you
my feelings to reveal

And pray that you do feel the same
to need me by your side
Open arms now wanting me
with love so ever wide

My mind is like a painted field
in colors vibrant true
When of these words I send your way
that whisper I love you

And if the day should come to pass
when thoughts are running dry
I’ll think about this love I've found
to see before my eyes

Your beauty in a gilded frame
where ever I may be
And write these words I love to say
*that you belong with me
"Belong" is being used as a term of endearment, not ownerhip.

With merely words
strung together in hurtful fashion,
he formed a noose
tightly around her neck

She gasped for air
as evil eyes watched,
happily from twin shadows
cast by her broken heart

Thrashing legs and
pleading expressions
in the heat of this day
curved a wicked smile upon his face

Tears burned lines on her cheeks
as she desperately searched
for a way out, she was losing hope,
just about to give up

When she managed with her final ounce of energy
to reach the keyboard and hit delete,
removing his email and him forever…
Once again she could breathe
Inspired by things I have heard and read.  Please remember...words can hurt very badly.

And no, this is not about me.  :)

As everyday does pass my way
Please find my feelings do display
I love you

When every minute on the clock
Does its tick and does its tock
I love you

Each day the sun does set and rise
I find that it is no surprise
I love you

Winter, summer, fall and spring
Every season the same thing
I love you

Pouring rain or falling snow
One thing I have come to know
I love you

Chilling cold or searing heat
Three words I want to repeat
I love you

Whether work or whether play
This emotion every day
I love you

Early dawn or late at night
Forever know these words are right
I love you

In the mountains, at the beach
However far my heart shall reach
I love you

If the oceans disappear
Still these words you’ll always hear
I love you

When the stars no longer shine
In your soul forever find
I love you

I am here and you are there
So far apart but this I swear
I love you

No matter what our lives may bring
Eternal in my world I sing
I love you

And even as this poem ends
This message I forever send
I love you
I know, kind of corny, but love makes me corny I guess. :)
 Apr 2015 those bygone years
Ive never slept so well
before going to sleep
thinking of you

and I guess this
is what Love
feels like

your hoodie
my time
and our lips


and I don't miss
my time
because I know

its safe in your care
just as I am
and you in mine

and I want to
wake up beside

and sleep
with you
I asked you where you received you Inspiration

I was confused on why I couldn't find mine

Little did I know,

That's what you were

You aren't here for me to love  

You aren't here to comfort me

You are here to open my eyes
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