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 Oct 2016 taia
Autumn Rose
Daylight filled
with gold was
broken like a
mirror by the
haunted mist
of midnight.

The crickets
were singing
their lullaby
on the late
summer breeze.

My heart
slowly listened,
As lonely as the
howling wind
outside my window.

And i knew it
was Autumn,
As the auburn leaves
in the forest fell,
so did i,
So did I...
 Oct 2016 taia
Autumn Rose
The blazing
flame of the
dark lantern
was shining
as it reflected
in the
auburn eyes.
Lost souls
take no
pleasure in
being found.
Little pieces of
glowing embers
were swiftly
carried away
by the autumn
wind in the
melancholy air
of old memories.
Like a
starry breeze
of dying fire,
whispering into
the stalking
singing its
mortal melody
to the
wayward pines.
And so he
slowly disappeared
in the moonlit fog,
more lost than
he could have
ever realised.
Deeper and deeper in
the unknown...
 Oct 2016 taia
For Him (1/4)
 Oct 2016 taia
Days flash past my shadow
Unable to distinguish your face.

Missing someone is overestimated
An individual can't be missed
But how you felt in his presence
Will subsist.

Love conquers as endless matter
Thus exposing your heart is key,
For a new world to perceive.

An unknown yet
familiar ardor rushes through my veins,
I thence forsee you're present but somehow
Gone away.

Humankind around neglected you
Trust is reasonably locked into your gut
Disowning is no option,
Neither patronizing you;
Been there myself.

Dark nights
Dark thoughts;
Disoriented your head,
But reincarneted who you are today.

Don't contemplate there is no better.
Stand high on your feet,
Drown yourself on memories
That once made you

Perhaps I'll never be your future,
Perhaps my existence to you is nonsense.
Merely knowing you're no longer lost,
Will be my cue for moving on.
 Oct 2016 taia
The Poetry Peddler
my mirror always lies
or maybe it's the brutal truth
and I just don't know it

my bed doesn't hold me anymore
my pillows are like stone
tears leaking from me
staining the sheets
like a new born ******

the map in my head
no longer has an "x"
which was how I could find you

the beautiful creation
the masterpiece of us
now just a distant heartache
the rumors of my death
were started by me

I have been freed
or so they tell me...
 Oct 2016 taia
mike dm
this thought,
one texture
old sweatshirt

the roam's grin grows
iknowiknow this home is
****** wasted eaten knifed neatly


texts to ex's
needy emojis
******* us

the bones are coming now
 Oct 2016 taia
S G Arndt
I'm way too young
I'm way too young
Love all around
I can't stand the feelings

I'm way too young
I'm way too young
Love all around
I can't stand the feelings

Still way too young
We are way too young
You say you want love
But we run from our feelings

Still way too young
We are way too young
You say you want love
But we run from our feelings

 Oct 2016 taia
 Oct 2016 taia
When I am with you,

My smile can blaze

And my muscles

Contort themselves into positions

I never imagined possible
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