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Lyn Feb 2016
Since when numbers became so important,
That even an "i love you"
Doesn't seem to mean anything
Without an "i love you too"?
Lyn Apr 2015
What if I find someone who sings me to sleep every night
But I still hear your voice even in a crowded room?

What if I find someone who makes my heart beat so fast that it might burst
But my breathing almost stops every times you walk by?

What if I find someone whose touch is as warm as the blanket
But I can't drink my morning coffee without thinking about your brown orbs?

What if I find someone who takes me to another world with his spell
But I can't even  imagine myself being in different picture with you?

What if you have found someone new,
But I can't even get rid of your shadow?
Lyn Feb 2015
The Sky cries once in a while
From missing The Land too much

But look at The Land,
He grows flowers from her tears,
Collect them for his organs to breathe
Lyn Jan 2015
Those tantalizing eyes of yours
Have once conquered a galaxy,
But now,
They could barely grasp a constellation
Without having their glasses broken

*As they send stardust falling across your freckled cheeks
Lyn Jan 2015
Who would have thought,
The soft breathe that whispered sweet nothings against my neck every night
Would be the necklace that was choking me?
Lyn Jan 2015
You fed me poison,
Yet I still believe it was chocolate.

*Was it love or idiocy?
Lyn Jan 2015
The ink screams the words,
I could not even whisper.
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