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 May 2014 Jenelle
Elise Reid
I love you my dear!
This much is true.
And every time I’m lonely,
I think of you.

I need you not, no,
When my suitors all surround me.
But, when alas they disappear,
I love you oh so madly!

My lover’s skin is soft and warm.
His kiss all I could desire.
But when he’s gone, your pasty skin,
My heart it sets on fire.

Dawn to dusk; from here to there.
Too busy to be lonely.
But at days end, distractions gone,
My heart cries for you solely

No, first pick you are not.
And so in my heart, your love can never please me.
But, this I know to be ever true,
I love you! I love you! When I am lonely.
This is a humorous poem that was inspired by the song "Love the One You're With." It is about a young women who is deeply in love, when it's convenient.
 May 2014 Jenelle
still hear
but now
we all get along.
 Apr 2014 Jenelle
SG Holter
Poet, be not afraid.
There are far worse things than
Bad poetry.

Keep writing; like a child keeps
Drawing with the purest of
Disregards to likeness.

The more stones you turn, the more
Gems you produce.

The more ink you rain,
The more gracious your written
Children grow.

All flexing builds muscle.

Rough bricks form castles.

Even Dalì carved canvases to shreds
And started anew
Not caring too much.
Not caring

Too much
To keep painting.
 Apr 2014 Jenelle
Carsyn Smith
I walked out into the woods,
on a clear Autumn morning,
and used Daddy's hunting knife
to cut you out.

As if I were a surgeon,
cutting away with purpose,
no blood was lost as you fell
away from me.

You dropp'd to the forest floors,
drifting away with the wind,
I thought you were gone for good
that I was free.

You're anything but benign,
a creature from the dark woods,
following me as a wolf
out for the ****.

Helpless to spend the Winter,
cold and alone and empty,
waiting for your sure return
back to my heart.

Spring comes as you slither near,
hidden and slowly warming,
crawling and clawing upon
my cold body.

You've made your home by Summer,
nested in my hollow heart,
soaking in passionate love
that will not last.

I walked out into the woods,
on a clear Autumn morning,
and used Daddy's hunting knife
to cut you out.
 Apr 2014 Jenelle
lost and found
my addiction to you was getting worst
but you weren't around to see it ..
i couldn't eat, sleep or even function any at all
because of you
because i need my drug
i need you ..
i figured i needed to go to a class
you know
for addicts
i mean, you counted as an addiction, right?
you had to
because you caused sleepless nights
you caused frustration
you caused my addiction..
hi, my name is anonymous, and i'm a you addict..
is that what i was to say at the class?
i don't know how to describe my addiction for you
because it isn't normal
it isn't healthy
no addiction can be healthy
but you were one of the worst types ..
i would call your phone everyday and every night
(even though you never answered)
i called just to hear your voice
because i knew you would let it go to voice mail
you wouldn't disconnect your phone
because you're too important to people
but don't you see how important you are to me?
don't i matter too?
you just left me to fend for myself
and you knew how weak i was
you knew that my strength was gone
but you didn't care
and you made that obvious
well i'm sorry
for wanting you
in my life. //
 Apr 2014 Jenelle
Love* isn't about how long you've been together
It isn't about good things you had
Love is when you put your faith & trust
No insecurities that shallow
No doubts to be anxious
No flaws to be corrected
but rather flaws to be accepted
There's no right & wrong for love
It may be a childish wish
but fairy tales do come true
expect reality comes over it.
You could tell LOVE for no reason
but love is about
reasons to feel,
reasons to forgive & forget,
reasons to give and take,
and most of all
Love is about reasons to *happen.
© April 26, 2014
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