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Mar 2020 · 118
i'm back.
j Mar 2020
after a few hours of being away from the world,
i finally realized,
how much i hate it here.

i did not wear my gold ear cuff,
nor neither of my favorite jewelry.
today did not deserve any of that.

the blue sky did not look too good either.
i had to go home
after the sun had fully retired in the west.
it's been a really tiring week. anyways.
j Mar 2020
i can't believe i'm writing this on a March morning.

my mind feels like falling apart all the time. it's crazy how it happens so often that i stopped resorting to crying my soul out. i just take it all in, slowly, surely, one by one, until it feels like a metal armor made up of the same things i hear every single day. there's not a time that i'm alone in a room. there are times, but that only happens in my mind: wanted isolation from everything else. i just need a break, or i'll snap in half.

there's only so much i can't say in the outer world. i put them in the inner rooms until they're forgotten and/or i have to utilize them to feel things. it gets so sad, believe me. but it's a part of me that if i had them removed, things won't be the same. things will remain unbalanced. the shift from joy to sorrow.

i take out the remnants of my mind to remind myself there's a lot more from where these came from. a reminder that life will continue to keep moving, and a lot more people will sputter out the same ******* thing.

but i still have to keep moving.
Feb 2020 · 91
j Feb 2020
if i could talk to myself,
from roughly ten months ago,
the first thing she would do is cry.

if she could talk to me,
roughly ten months after,
the first thing i would do is speak.

if she could hear
all the things i did to keep me from collapsing,
maybe she would be proud.

if i told her
that i finally spent my time prioritizing myself,
both of us would unite in that idea.

there's nothing wrong
with being vulnerable.
it doesn't make you weak.

it only prepares you for other greater battles in life.
Dec 2019 · 125
and so we write again
j Dec 2019
there really is nothing left to say.
there is only memories, dreams, hopes, and whatever we want in the future.

never sell yourself short for love.
you deserve a lot more than what you're currently getting.

if you're happy,
know that it doesn't stop there.
learn to anticipate the goodness that lies within the ground.

the decade ends.
and i hope all your fears do, too.
love and luck, dear.
cheers to all of us who survived a hell of a decade!!! much love to all of us, keep your head up, loves <3
Nov 2019 · 121
j Nov 2019
i'm not sure where this is leading
maybe somewhere else
maybe i've forgotten how to rhyme
will someone please tell?
i'm confident about the motive
behind this not-so-poetic work,
i somehow want to get my fingers to type
i somehow do not want to get hurt.
i've done all the lurking
the petty snicker and huffs,
i really need to begin moving,
or else i will be stuck.
j Sep 2019
my friends will one day wake up to a sunrise that will no longer bother them.

they will open their eyes to a new beginning -- not to a storm masquerading as sunrise, not to repetitive death masquerading as new life. they will wake up when the world has finally woken up,outside of its shell. to promises that exist. to less ******* like the men they once dealt with, like the people they once longed to live a future around them.

my friends will no longer cry about the despair of their disruptive past. they will laugh over it and drink, and then cry to another set of dilemmas they hold, but at least not the ones that put them on the line and held them down. they will be in battles where they are certain they will succeed. not in wars that will leave them bloodied, with weapons that past lovers have wielded against them. by their own feet and their heavy yet graceful movement, they are bound to win.

my friends deserve to bleed by fighting for themselves, covering their faces in red blood that looked like wine; let them bleed by fighting their own weaknesses and encouraging their own strengths. not by picking on their scabs that were present since they opened themselves out aggressively, hoping that you would listen. but instead you ripped out an even bigger part of them, causing all the blood to ooze from various places, losing themselves in the abyss. they ask me "how do they sleep peacefully at the nights when i chose to **** my mind?" and i am left dumbfounded. i knew them for being so strong-willed, so independent, so fearless. all it took them was a dull, naive, little boy that failed to see the entire strength my friends possessed.

my friends deserve to live. they deserve to walk as they are on this earth. yes, they deserve to be talked to. no, they don't deserve to be talked down. yes, they deserve love in any forms possible. no, they don't deserve to change their bodies into forms you desire, ones that are impossible. ones that are never normal. and still use them to captivate your inner pleasures. and dismiss them so easily after the night has gone away. if you respect and love me as a human, then show the same energy to my friends. my friends deserve me, just as much as i deserve them.

my friends will one day sleep peacefully like you. whether by themselves or with a lover's warmth.

they will make it, and i will always love them.
Jul 2019 · 215
j Jul 2019
you are a storm
i did not expect,
and i am a girl
who did not
bother to bring
an umbrella
because i thought
you would be light
and easy –
but your lightnings
took me away,
and your thunderclaps
made me cry.
you are a ventriloquist
that people loved
to watch
on stage;
i am your puppet,
and you made
a fool out of me –
with your hands
motioning me to
laugh, cry, sing,
and tell people
it’s all my fault,
and all of them,
including you,
would find the
humor in my distress.
i guess it really is
unbelievable for
someone like you
who appeared to be
so beautiful and wise
the first time i laid eyes
on you
to turn out
to be so
evil and cunning,
with nothing but games
on your hands
that i undeniably played
– and you never told me
how it should be done –
i have to guess
when the game is over;
even though
my life will depend on it.
Jul 2019 · 169
j Jul 2019
thanks for breaking my heart;
it was bad enough
to make me
how to write.

thanks for breaking
my fingers;
now i can't
hit the keys gracefully
to express
the pain you've
brought me.
let's not forget
how it made me
less intimate
towards myself.
i guess it was worth it,
since i got
to hold your hand

for a certain amount of time.
not even my best. its been 6 months.
Mar 2019 · 157
j Mar 2019
the truth
that nobody bothered
to tell you
ever since
your eyes
were opened,
your heart
started beating
towards another
another missing soul
that you
deeply craved,
was that
you never really
stop loving someone.

it was him
in particular.
he made you
feel like
you belonged
in the warm
rose garden,
as if you lied there
with your heart out,
because it was his
for taking

he made you
stop wishing
because apparently,
he was the one wish
you muttered
when a shooting star
would come by
in the night sky
as you peeked
in your window
when you were seven.

you hated to see
him like this,
and he hated, too.
the promise
you had for each other,
was nothing but
another piece of
crumpled thought.
you wanted to fight,
but he stopped the battle

he will always
be there.
maybe you're bound
to cross
different roads,
to fly
different planes,
or to ride
different trips.
but that doesn't mean
the love will be absent.
it will just sit there.
but no one
will make it move,
at least anymore.
Feb 2019 · 292
The Universe
j Feb 2019
the universe has its own way
of making me
feel things.

it has this
warped perspective
and i know how much
it makes me feel
awful sometimes,
but maybe
it has its own

the people
that surround me,
remind me of the stars
in the night sky.
they twinkle, and
they look dreamy.
but they don't happen
to be aligned all the time.

the frustration
bites me heavily.
but somehow, like other
people do,
they all thank their
lucky stars,
even though they
don't have a reason
to do so.

it's funny how
the universe makes me
wonder if they
really care.
maybe it's all in
my head --
sometimes i lack
the love i need in my life.

i hope that
the universe, tonight
can align all the
because somehow i miss them
all too dearly.
Jan 2019 · 310
a saint's question.
j Jan 2019
if love was a sin,
would you be
would you repent
on your
and have no face
to turn
to God
when the time

would you
stay a sinner
to hold on
to one person,
or object, or
a happening, to say the least,
whatever your affections
desire for?

or do you
become a saint,
bend your
into a halo,
and throw
your sharp horns
like a dagger
in one's chest?

if love was a sin,
the devil
would be ashamed
for all the faults I bear.
i'd be in my own
and my promises
in my own
Aug 2018 · 288
always & another forever
j Aug 2018
it’s bad to think that
in an alternate place,
or time, or reality,
or continuum,
we get to hold again each other.

i cry when they say
β€œyou & me, always & forever”.
for i know i’ll never have
the same chance to regain you.
or the constant feeling to
save us from falling.

i hope when
another reality exists within,
there’ll be us again.
always & forever.
always & another forever,
with you.
Aug 2018 · 444
j Aug 2018
what other objects do you have,
to turn them into metaphors
that profess
your affections for me?
do not give me flowers,
or anything that exists in nature.
keep away the comparisons from seas,
the sun, and anything in between.
i have heard them all from past lovers,
& they all left me in time.

— The End —