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7.0k · Jan 2015
EmptySadness Jan 2015
I'm too afraid to let anyone in
I might make the mistake of letting them discover my secrets
Because what happens when they don't need you anymore
You were just a little star when they were the moon

Don't waste your time on me.
Everyone leaves me.
1.3k · Jan 2015
EmptySadness Jan 2015
Darling please* don't leave because you think im to clingy
The thing is, People have left me
People have broke me

Darling please* don't leave because you think I get too attached
I never mean to get like that
People have left me *despondent

Your all that I ever needed and wanted

So darling, im down on my knees begging
Hoping and praying
That you don't leave for someone less
That's not such a mess
As I address
Please don't leave.
1.1k · Jan 2015
Long Distance
EmptySadness Jan 2015
People admire long distance
They think its cute letters
Heart shaped chocolates
Flowers being delivered at noon
And nothing to go to doom

That's where there wrong

You see,
Long distance is pain.
Its missing that person

Its hurting every time you see a couple together
Its missing all the events your lover experiences.
Its saving money for that one plane ticket
Hoping one day, it will be a one way ticket.

So darling please,
Don't say you admire long distance
Without knowing the pain that comes along
Because you will learn
*All good things come with a bad side.
Its all about which side you take from..
963 · Feb 2015
Two lovers
EmptySadness Feb 2015
I think were a lot like
Anastasia and Christian

You are dark, and mysterious on one side
And sweet and innocent on the other
It reminds me of Christian Grey

I'm confused and afraid of love
and waiting to be loved and cared for
It reminds me of Anastasia Steele

Together, we go together as the two lovers above
Were not meant for each other, But we cant keep away
We always get hurt, but come back for each other

Because we both know the other side of each other
The side we want them to be
The side they want to be
But we cant.

**What a perfect world it would be if you loved me
960 · Jan 2015
Pain And Sorrow
EmptySadness Jan 2015
Its been three months
Since I took a silver piece of metal to my skin
Its getting hard, where do i begin?

Everyone looks at the flaws
As if the silver piece of metal has claws
Im starting to believe they do to
The claws have dragged me to hell

An everlasting hell of
pain and sorrow

But I guess that's my problem
I seem to fall in love with things that only bring me

Pain and sorrow


The difference is the silver piece of metal wont leave unlike you

Its been three months
Since I took a silver piece of metal to my skin
Its gotten to hard, I think ill start again.

Mabye I will start again..
804 · Apr 2015
EmptySadness Apr 2015
She said to me "You're perfect",
and I want you to be mine."
But I felt I wasn't worthy
and to be perfect, Ill need time.

I knew it wouldn't be worth it,
It could be better if I tried,
then she got tired of waiting
and I watched my chance go by.
Lang Leav
787 · Apr 2015
EmptySadness Apr 2015
I wish I could take it all back.
Our memories, are times
Back when we were fine.
our laughs, and our walks
and our midnight talks.

Part of me is missing
now you're gone.

You promised not to leave,
*Silly me for believing you.
Im empty without you.
766 · May 2015
Fuck the mental hospital
EmptySadness May 2015
Words cant explain how much I want you to come back
I miss you so much
763 · Jan 2015
For a friend
EmptySadness Jan 2015
There is a girl
And I cant simply understand
Why she is so sad

Her eyes are so simple
Yet so full or sorrow
I wish she could see that today
Or tomorrow

I would give her the world
And possibly more
For her to be happy
Once more

Just remember the sun still shines
The moon still appears
There is nothing to worry about
Darling please, don't shed a tear.
For a friend.
760 · Jan 2015
Empty Sadness
EmptySadness Jan 2015
I cant seem to shake this feeling
This feeling has started to take control of me
I've lost the feeling of happiness
For its impossible to shake this feeling

This feeling of empty sadness.

711 · Mar 2015
50 shades darker
EmptySadness Mar 2015
"You said you'd never leave, yet the going gets tough and you're out the door."

"When did I say I'd never leave?"

"In your sleep. It was the most comforting thing I'd heard in so long, Anastasia. It made me relax."
656 · Jan 2015
I know you told me
EmptySadness Jan 2015
I know you told me not to fall in love with you
Because you think you're

Too late
I love everything about you
I love your flaws
And all our 3 am calls
I love our devotion
Filled with heart and emotion

But simply, your presence
You make the world a better place
At least mine
Not a day goes by that I don't wish
you were mine

I know you told me not to fall in love with you
because you think you're
But I cant stay away
Youre simply my world
*and that's that
This isn't for anyone in particular. Just free write (:
560 · Jan 2015
Pour Elle , Je T'adore
EmptySadness Jan 2015

Don't ever think your not good enough
or pretty enough
Or skinny enough
Because you would be telling yourself lies

Don't ever think I don't care about you
Its the only thing I ever find time to do


Everything I would do for you
For a moment of contentment

You've saved me countless times
No matter how bad the thoughts got in my mind
You always find the right words to say
In every single situation and way

I love you with all my heart
For if we ever part
Remember the words I say:
I love you every single second of the day
And in every single way

My love for you is ever-lasting
Shall it ever run out, will be the day im gone
I will never stop loving you
I will never give up on you
That's a promise.

Keep going

For her
507 · Jan 2015
EmptySadness Jan 2015
You caught me holding a blade in my hand
You told me to stop
You told me things get better
You told me that you would never leave me

Its three years later
You told me you didn't care
You told me you lost hope of things getting better for me
The funniest thing though
You left me

You're happier without me
493 · Jan 2015
You know you love somebody
EmptySadness Jan 2015
You know you love someone
When you get physically sick
Knowing they're sad.

You know you love someone
When their pain
turns into

You know you love someone
When you would trade your own
for that person to be happy
Even if its only for

You know you love someone
When you fear everyday
That they might do something
That would take them off this earth

You know you love someone
When you give everything you can
Hoping, Just hoping
That they might be happy
Even if its only for
435 · Mar 2015
50 shades darker quote
EmptySadness Mar 2015
You are my more
My love, My life
427 · Jan 2015
EmptySadness Jan 2015
I would be lying
If I said I didn't love you
or cherish you
or want to spend my happiness with you

I would be lying
If I said I didn't miss you everyday
and wish you were here
Or more near

I would be lying*
If I said I could let you go
Your the only person ive ever known
That brings out my happiness, and let it show

I love you more and more everyday
No matter what I say
You are my world
373 · Jan 2015
EmptySadness Jan 2015
I still play your old voicemails
And read our text messages from months back
I cant deny the fact I miss you.

I miss you.
The person you used to be.
The one I fell in love with.

I have to face the fact
That you have changed
And moved on

But darling, I still love you.
And will until Im gone.
367 · Feb 2015
Ive been in love
EmptySadness Feb 2015
Ive been in love with somebody.
And that somebody didn't love me.
And it isn't poetic, you don't learn anything from it
and it doesn't make you stronger. It just hurts. It just ******* hurts.
And it hurts for a long time.
Because your first love wanted someone else and you weren't good

*Why don't they end novels and teen love stories like that?
357 · Apr 2015
Short story
EmptySadness Apr 2015
You said you loved me
I believed you
352 · Feb 2015
EmptySadness Feb 2015
Im no poet
I already know it
One thing I do know
Is that your the best thing that has ever happened
to me

I tell you I love you everyday
You push it away
Darling, I really do want the best for you
If not more
For that Im sure

No words can explain
How much bad things and pain
You have taken away from me
Its 4:59 am and im writing poems

If you ever feel unloved
Or unwanted
Remember, Its nothing like that
I have never felt more loved
or more wanted
Then you make me feel
324 · Mar 2015
What you give
EmptySadness Mar 2015
Its not what you got, but what you give.
Its not the life you choose, its the life you live.
302 · Feb 2015
EmptySadness Feb 2015
A year ago on this day, I got out of the mental hospital.
Is it good or bad I kept track?
268 · Jan 2015
EmptySadness Jan 2015
// I still care about your feelings more then mine
// Even though you left me. You will always be my inspiration
Atleast you're happy

— The End —