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 Feb 2018 Em MacKenzie
In the darkness of the night, I still remember your lips finding their way towards mine.
Your hands sliding down my back sending shivers down my spine.
One touch and I was frozen.
Can I be your chosen?
We could barely see what was in front of us, but yet our bodies were gravitating together.
Skin on skin we were beating any kind of weather.
I'll let you guide my body into the the darkness of the night.
Until we see the morning light.
I can still feel your warmth tingling against my skin.
Melting my body deep within.
The darkness has no fear.
I’ll let you hold my heart and steer.

 Feb 2018 Em MacKenzie
 Feb 2018 Em MacKenzie
she closed her eyes deep into a sea
well, how long will you wait for me
for I bleed to loud when you’re next to me
how long will you wait for me

The water looks too pure
though waves stir me 'round
You always want me close
But I feel safe and sound

Let me tell you the stories
of the pain I cant bear
Though I know how you feel
Yeah I wanna be free
The warmth of your body
that wraps around me,
the touches of yours
gently caressing me.

The tone of your
sleepy voice,
those drowsy
eyes of yours.

As I feel your nose
lining from my neck
down to my spine,
babe it makes me weak.

then I felt your lips
pressing with mine.
Your ardent kisses
and comforting hugs.

The smells of your skin
that lingers on mine
and the sensation it gives
of longing even more for you.

You, everything about you,
every part of you,
gives me pleasure,
it makes me fall even deeper.

I hope this won't end
tho the visualization
wasn't vivid at all,
It doesn't matter.

What I only know is
you're here next to me,
with your arms around me and
hands clutched with mine.

Please let this last long forever,
let us indulge the moment
as you and I dive into this
exceptional love of ours.
A romantic dream for a long lost heart longing for her dearest love.
 Feb 2018 Em MacKenzie
I keep throwing gasoline on my already burning problems.

I'm addicted to the pain.
You unknowingly made me love you.

And with that, I loved everything you touched from the earth you walked on to the clothes you wore.

I love you and everything around you.

But love is pain and pain is madness.

So am I mad for loving the pain that comes from you or am I madly in love with the pain more so than I am in love with you?
An open letter to those I have loved.
I sometimes circle around again
Longing, growing
My story is old
And cold

I’m a gravity accident
We all fall down
Collected star-dust
Diamond, coal, rust

Periodicity reciprocity
Gravely glancing sunward
Circle around
Then outward bound
 Feb 2018 Em MacKenzie
Do you bleed when you write?
When your fingertips
get sore and your muscles
get tight
Do you bleed?
From your heart?
With each beat comes a new
and you hope that it sounds like something
that doesn't quite rhyme
But it sounds good in time.
It'll sound good in time.
Just keep writing.

Keep bleeding.
Don't give up on this. The pen was made for your hand and your hand only. I swear.
There are places that welcome
others bid me keep away
I regard them as points of time
remnants of seasons or just a day--

wherever I wander, in weather rough or calm
'happy arrival' I could never say*
forbidden places hold dark secrets--the sublime
belongs only to the heart which defies moral decay.
* not 'stay' as previously written. Apology
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