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  Feb 2015 Ember Evanescent
I feel bad for women who date online.
There are good men in this world, I swear.
Not every man who walks the earth wastes his breath and your time,
with cro-magnon scribbles from a mind so bare,
that it comes as a surprise they managed even to write one line,
much less something so cerebral as this:
                              "Yo, prety gurl. Liek yur pic,
                                I so >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                               Wanna see mah ****?"

So deep, right? What Socratic genius might have penned such lines?
Surely not even Shakespeare or Keats could craft words so divine!
I am so sorry, women who date online.
Truly, I'm sorry, on behalf of mankind
Ember Evanescent Feb 2015
Secrets spoken
Promises broken
Holding your breath
Hoping to forget
About empty frames
And severed chains
And leaving it all behind
Faces gray
That turned away
Paying for a mistake
You didn't mean to make
Drawing the curtain
Hiding your hurting
With the words *"I'm fine"
song lyrics. something I worked on a while back but ended up giving up on because I didn't like it, but eh. thought id post it anyway
I want go to an airport with a whole truck load of lotion, bags of water and scissors all packed in suitcases.

Just to see securities hilarious reaction
Check out ember evanescent a spontaneous thoughts series and add on. Just write what ever your thinking ( I think weird stuff) and title it spontaneous thoughts (series)
  Feb 2015 Ember Evanescent
you're ruining me
but I don't BELIEVE in purple bus drivers!!!! :0
the hobbits are coming the hobbits are coming!!!!!
Ember Evanescent Feb 2015
Why are those dressed in black always so in pain?
Ever looked at your reflected image in the irises of a dark-eyed person?
You can't see yourself in lightly-colored eyes
You can see your reflection better in black
And those who dress in black
Are surrounded by it
They see their own image everyday
Their own flaws flashing back at them, everywhere they look
To some she is a shining light
A flash of hope amongst the dark
An optimistic helping hand
To pull you from the dark
And cheer your sorrow

To some she is a black hole
Pulling the world down with sadness
Reliving the past that broke her
And stabbing others with the shards

To some she is simple words
plastered on a white canvas painting a picture.
never more
but never less

To most she is unnoticeable
A tiny footnote scribbled in the corner of a forgotten notebook
A wall flower whose thorns push away all but those with the key to her locked heart.

When you ask me what she is
The answer is impossible
Because I don't know

But I can tell you what she's not

She is not a beautiful face, to stop you in a crowd

She is not a chatting girl to talk you into a date

She is not a innocent flower
Welcoming with open arms

She is not a genius to create the next invention

She is not a musician, an author, a designer, a star, a doctor, or a hero

She is not a loving companion for you to hold, and remember your every need

She is not a great friend, always there in a flash.

She is not a friendly person, starting up the conversation

She is not a good cook, making meals that are edible

She is not an unscarred girl, unscathed by the past

She is not a beautiful figure
That draws your eyes

She is not hilariously funny
Ready for stand up comedy

She is not someone to remember though she will remember you

However she is not fazed by judges
Changing ways to suit them

She is not perfect

She is not stopped by her imperfections, only pressed farther to become something more.

And though I can not say who she is or what she will be. Here's what I can say

To me she will always be the girl staring back in the mirror.
Sorry this poem is so long. But please feel free to coment any interpretations and to like/ repost
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