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You can't survive
off Coca Cola
 Aug 2014 Danielle Doucette
I've grown tired of being there for you
To hold at night
When your mind
Suppresses your faith.
There for you to conquer
When you feel powerless.
There for you to love
When you feel generous.
You've stitched me up
With the thinnest of strings
That threaten to unravel
At the slightest touch
And you're anything but gentle.
Your carelessness keeps you unaware
And your incognizance renders you useless.
I've grown tired of holding you up
While my knees shake and quiver.
And I've grown tired of pouring my heart out
Into your impermeable hands.
And I've grown tired
Of growing tired.
I think I'll rest now.
you said you'd drown in my tears

if it meant being with me

but you see, you were always under water

with one hand drowning in the density of my sobs

and the other over the surface holding her
Crystalline gliding.
Clippin' cuticles in cubicles
& itching for a kaleidoscope
with The Phantom
sidling ridged in the ceiling's fold.

Glazed eyes from a friend.
honey crueler.
Polymerization twists coffee sweats with briny tears
& my pores breath the calcification.
Beet red eyes sting like molten hiss
& pollen still buries it's way deep  
into the tree trunk,
Bleeding like a sour calf
just to stroke a
coconut leaf
in the musky village.

I live inside a cantaloupe
so I can't elope with status quo.
Sipping puddles & licking groggy mud spots
so the Queen calls me swamp belly.
She looked like she was carved out of rice.
bitten & frail steps
with gentle linger
teased soft grass
in the concrete canal
where the streets glistened
with mustaches  drenched
in honey brown ale.

His brain is a tickled cauliflower
encased in Papier-mâché,
Lima bean boogers
nicotine stained chestnut shells.
Gears torque and crudely animate
his sluggish form and peanut butter
Diabetic eyes,
that bark like a sloth &
lay a thick layer of custard over their
last nerve,
intrigue mine own to stare
into the vague emptiness.
make up your own meaning
 Jul 2014 Danielle Doucette
it seems I am out of place
filled with vacant conversations
and a weary heart
I'm not suicidal
I don't want to breath,
Breathing is thinking
I don't want to think.
I don't want to feel.
it seems I am out of place
and a weary heart and heavy mind are not easily mended with vacant conversations
I'm not suicidal
I just want this void to fill.
 Jul 2014 Danielle Doucette
My mother always used to tell me
that I could read anyone.
"Give them an hour with you", she'd laugh,
"and you'd just know."
Then I met you
and it seems that your book is
written a language that I just don't understand.
This illiteracy is driving me mad
and I know I would spend years just to
decipher one page.

- R. H.
It sketched and slapped an ombre
of crimson reds
& tangerine oranges
until it carved a comfortable atmosphere
amongst the void blacks
and howling navy blues.

Her sun bleached hair dangled over her forehead.
They were the vines that tangled
into wispy curls of tiger's eye gold that
hung lavishly in front of the youngest
Her eyes were sour,
a Blink and a whistle.
Someone coughing on the last bus outta town.
Those powerful cheek bones,
that she obtained through her
constant "according to" accordion smile,
fell off into a pair of lips
that were just pronounced enough
to make her look like she would laugh & ****,
tempt or incinerate.
Intellect winked from her every word
like a whip of cold water and eggnog.

The Campfire was an artist.
It delicately plucked a scene
ripe with confidence and relaxed alcohol.
A tone that made her amazonian scowl
seem intimate and gentle.
Campfire with new people in the summer.
You shouldn't have made me fall in love with you
I have morphed you into words

You are the explanation for why 'lies' rhymes with eyes
because all i can see now
are not only lies in your eyes,
but in your mouth
and your heart
even at the tips of your fingers

Like your nose,
somehow I made that look like soon
Because even your nose warned me about
how soon you would break my heart
and leave me

Like your ear,
I made that look like hear,
because you heard what I said, but you never could quite listen

Like your shoulder,
You should have hold me

Like your tongue,
Not only did it so much damage,
You left me tongue-tied

Like your heart,
I made that look like hurt.
because that is what I am.
I am hurt and broken.
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