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 May 2016 Ara
Joshua Haines
She kisses the boys and girls
that pay the most attention.
The boys play with vapor
and her girls play with tension.
I wish I was the only one
that she will decide to touch
but I am who I am
and, in a way, that is too much.

Sawblade-sunflower petals
wrap around an earthy cushion,
and the humidity hangs in the air
as her beige body is crumpled
and I feel too sober, pushing.

Baby yellow falls apart,
in her hair the flower starts
to trickle onto sheet and pillow,
decorating the absences
that define how hollow
she and I have felt before --
******* like an endangered species
on the killing floor, I whisper once,
I whisper sweet, "Don't you wish
that we didn't meet?"

She kisses the boys and girls
that give the most attention.
I played with vapor
and she played with tension.
And what doth she speak, O brother?

"Eternal is the damnation,
Fleeting is the mercy."
When i say goodbye
Don't wait for my reawakening
Because i am already dead
My sense can't vindicate
What i am!
 Mar 2016 Ara
Dr Strange
 Mar 2016 Ara
Dr Strange
I could of sworn this was all a dream
Ya know, one of those freak fantasies
But in actuality this is reality
And you expect me to prosper in this so called society
Then you say God is with me
God is against me
God abandoned me
God left me wondering why the sky is blue and grass green
He left me to ponder as to why everything must be
As I drowned in the black sea trying to discover my identity
Then again I'm surprised I even have this opportunity
Considering the streets were my home, my only sanctuary
My parents were poor, and I struggled in school
My eyes were singed shut so I never thought I'd see the light of day ever again
I was given the chance to escape the hell hole I called life
And now I fly like an eagle with a smile upon my face
Something I forgotten how to do so long ago
But it feels good
It feels good not to wake up afraid
Not to have to check over your shoulders every five seconds
To know that the people you care about are safe
And the pain, the pain finally dissipates into the dust
i'm free...
I'm finally free
But i'll never forget the pain that haunted me
I'll never forget how I came to be me
 Mar 2016 Ara
Dr Strange
 Mar 2016 Ara
Dr Strange
chic chic* bang

chic chic bang
* ring ring* ring ring*
No, no that can't be so

All my life I had to fight
Never knew what was wrong or right
Nobody had faith in me
They all abandoned me
But not that man
The man who gave me a chance

Now he is dead
And I'm all alone once again

All my life I had to fight
Never knew what was wrong or right
Nobody had faith in me
They all abandoned me
But not that man
The man who gave me a chance

Now he is dead
And I'm alone once again

But before he went out with a bang
He taught me one valuable thing
The only reason I'm alone is because I chose to be
 Mar 2016 Ara
Dr Strange
 Mar 2016 Ara
Dr Strange
Freedom is the one thing we all wish to obtain
The ability to do whatever, whenever we please
But by the definition are any of us truly free
Because at the bare minimum we all follow the rules of society
 Sep 2015 Ara
Adrian Strider
 Sep 2015 Ara
Adrian Strider
I feel the tears slip,
I feel the tension grip,
and the I know it.
The knife will slip,
as the tears do fall
down my face and
hit the ground, I
realize that this all
is for nothing but pain.
It hurts, this life,
like the beautiful touch
of the knife as it gains
purchase in my skin.
Another starburst
of pain as the blood flows.
Soon these people will
have to call a hearse.
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