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  Dec 2019 Elisabeth Meyer
this time of year
so they don't disappear
i use my vacation days

i sit in a haze
thinking of ways
to justify deep hibernation

or at least a migration
to a southern location
until the warm weather's return

but for now I must burn
the hours I earn
because I must use them

or lose them
Elisabeth Meyer Dec 2019
You know you can tell me,
all the troubles you encounter,
when the voices getting louder.

You know you can tell me,
when the wind is ripping on your sails,
and you just need to exhale.

You know you can tell me,
all you ever need,
so you can proceed.
  Dec 2019 Elisabeth Meyer
To be kissed
by your eyes

To be touched
by your voice

To be held
by your lips

To be tangled
by your hair
  Dec 2019 Elisabeth Meyer
We’ve had promises broken
Words left unspoken

Tears on our cheeks
Lonely weeks

And yet
It still surprised me when you left me.
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