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 Sep 2014 ejb
 Sep 2014 ejb

Just let this little thought meld into your mind; this labyrinth and zig-zags,
"S" in this word only, it's a half-infinity. It won't last quite as forever as you think.

Some infinities are smaller than infinities.
This one for you, sweet heart.
 Sep 2014 ejb
loisa fenichell
There is a small bruise
spreading across your forehead
like wine across the body of a saint.
Your forehead is resting on my sheets,
cotton and white like sinners. Our bellies
are sweaty and naked. My belly has been bloated,
spread out and looking like a high peak, for over
a week, and I’ve never not wanted you here,
in my bed, on top of my bed, more than now:
our shirts are both blue, our shirts are both
lying on my floor. I am shivering, trembling
like moths in a burning house.

In a dream we are walking through
a train station that looks like an
alleyway and you are letting go of my hand
slowly and I am feeling like a church
made of grass and my limbs are feeling
like graves and across the train station
that looks like an alleyway there is a girl
in long clothes beckoning to you and you
come and I am sprung up drenched
in pools of my own sweat as though it were
July all over again.
 Sep 2014 ejb
one llucy
 Sep 2014 ejb
one llucy
Life, I know you don't believe me
But you are just a lie
Giving people so much hope
Just to take it when we die

So love is really nothing
Time is the only truth
We lose each minute as it passes
Just like we lose our youth

With the kiss of life
and the sting of death
We laugh and cry
Till our final breath

No ease from worries
Until we've died
Life was my lover
But death, my bride
Inspiration: Bride by Beebz the Queen
 Sep 2014 ejb
Kelly Rose
If I had a grain of sand
for every tear drop
you made me shed
for every time you
yelled because of your unhappiness
I would have enough grains of sand
to fill an entire beach
no wonder I hate sand
 Sep 2014 ejb
flawed beauty 10w
 Sep 2014 ejb
Tiny gap

inbetween my teeth;

Two lovers

waiting to meet.
 Sep 2014 ejb
Madisen Kuhn
2:20 AM
 Sep 2014 ejb
Madisen Kuhn
The words I can’t say to you are
climbing up my throat
I keep forgetting to breathe
I miss your hands.
 Sep 2014 ejb
Poetic T
Piano Tears
 Sep 2014 ejb
Poetic T
I could not have spoken the words
In to music for the sadness
You feel my friend,
My fingers play the pain
You feel in your heart,
Each note, is special
I play this from my soul
I play this with tears upon my cheek
Each note is a tear falling
For the pain you must feel
"Know that I am here"
With these notes and keys
I cant know what you feel,
Know that each note,
Is to help and sooth this pain
It was played with
Piano tears,
Each note a sound heard
Drifting to the
Above tears do fall,
Knowing that
You miss them,
And this music from the soul is heard.
(My 800th poem since joining in Feb14)
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