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 Sep 2014 ejb
Tyler Durden
37 m.p.h
 Sep 2014 ejb
Tyler Durden
I have this bad habit
When I wake up all
I can think about is
 Sep 2014 ejb
Joshua Haines
I'm in love with someone's daughter
living in the shards of a broken home
Cutting herself on two year-old letters
These are moments she can't fake;
reasons to feel alone
So used to abuse, her tears start to shake
I hold her close as her head starts to ache
"I love you too much,
so I can't let your heart break."
She said, "I know you love me,
but you've made a mistake."

I never meant for anyone to be my pulse.
I promise not to step on your feet
if you teach me how to waltz.
 Sep 2014 ejb
 Sep 2014 ejb
People ask me what it’s like to find women sexually attractive
Often I’m an outcast for liking the same ***
But in the lesbian world I’m an outcast for liking men too
It’s confusing really
There is no way to explain the way women are
And why they are so appealing to me
Not only is their outside appearance alluring and beautiful
But their insides are vulnerable, broken, and insecure
I like that, seeing a women shattered because of society
I like the honesty that encloses them in a blanket of insecurity
Men on the other hand
Well, they are strong and handsome on the outside
And a bit more emotional than you’d expect on the inside
There really isn’t a reason why I’m attracted to both sexes
I just am, I was born this way I suppose
I say I suppose because I am not quite sure
how the whole human nature and sexuality thing works
Men and women are both appealing
Their minds differ so much that I crave both
Call me selfish;
Because I am
I crave to know human nature in any form it comes
Man or woman, I will not judge
 Sep 2014 ejb
Angel Chester
A heart torn
Torn between two
Do I want him
Or do I want you

His hands on my hips
But your name rolls off my lips
Torn between love and passion
My heart slowly rips

In losing grip
But I force myself to hold on
I don't know why I can't except
You're already gone

He says he loves me
But that's not true
There's no love
Like the one I had for you

He seen me smile
He seen me cry
All over a girl
And he doesn't understand why

From him I hide the truth
I wanted to make her my wife
Now she's gone and he's here
But I guess it's just the bisexual life
 Sep 2014 ejb
 Sep 2014 ejb
I love her
I lust for **him
. *** .
 Sep 2014 ejb
 Sep 2014 ejb
Someone asked me the other day
"Do you like her?"
I thought for a second and smiled,
"Yes, yes I do."

"God, you're such a lesbian!"
I smiled and replied with,
"I know."
And kept on walking.

Later in the day
People were staring at me
Calling me names.

I held my head up
And smiled.

Nobody will stand in my way.
UPDATE***not lesbian, but pansexual
I have a wonderful and beautiful girlfriend so call me whatever you please

preferably call me nothing at all because i am a human being ha
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