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I don't say I love you so you'll say it back. I say it so there will never be a time when you won't know someone loves you.
I'm still here loving you.
Do you still realise?
Do you feel like my love is going to waste?
Well we both know that it is,
But if I do I might never admit.
I don't call it a waste,
Because I'm spending it on you.
However it's not being returned.
You could count it as a waste.
It's been around six months.
That's half a year that's already gone.
Half a year of my wasted love.
How has it already been that long?
My love for you still feels fresh.
It's just never been used.
It's as if I want to hate you,
And I might even say it to myself.
But at the same time,
I'm saying I love you too much.

Sometimes I'll think that I don't want this pain.
At the same time I'll know that I like it.
I like how it feels,
how it stings,
How it burns.
At least I'm feeling something,
That I think could be love.
But it's only one sided,
So how can I tell.

I'll tell you how it goes.
I love you,
I think of you,
I miss you,
I want to talk to you.
When you don't reply,
Even if you've been online,
About 15 thousand times,
You'll take another 24-48 hours.
Then I want to not like you anymore.
Even though you still haven't done anything.
It just slaps me once again,
That you will never feel the same.
But it can be a nice feeling,
So I cling onto it,
Thinking that it's worth it.
The most it's done for me is cause pain.

But then you're face.
It brightens my day.
But that also makes my heart break.
How many times can a heart be broken?
And this is only by one person,
Who hasn't done anything to break me.

No one can break me.
No ones broken me.
I'm not some object.
I am a real person.
I have real feelings,
But are these real?
Well I don't know.
I haven't had the chance to find out.
If you saw me, the way I see you...
Oh silly me that could never be!

What am I here for?
What do I care?
It's not like I deserve you.
It's not like I've always been there.
If you were by my side, though,
And you needed me,
Then I would bow down to your feet.
No, not literally.
But I would be there.
I would help.
I would do whatever I could.
You should realise that.
I bet you know.

None of that,
none of this.
Could possibly change any given thing.
I know I can't just write,
And make you feel things.
I know I can't just love,
And expect the same from you.
I don't.
I won't.
Oh, and you never will.
Basically, what I'm saying is:
You feel how you feel.
This is what it is.
This is not what it's not.

You and me.
We seem to be two different things.
Regardless of this,
I continue to dream.
I don't expect you to change your view.
I know how you feel about me.
You know how I feel about you.
Now there's not much left to say or do.
I'll just keep myself here.
Apparently this is what I do.
I sit here,
I sit here.
And I wait for you.
Apparently it was time to let the trapped emotions flow out. I hope you like the results.
You've shed tears on my shoulder,
you've made me laugh and smile,
You've picked me up from every single low,
If ever I'm in trouble, it's your number I dial,
It makes my feelings battle, to and fro,
We treat each other soundly, like family some would say,
For you, I'd simply take that fatal shot,
I'd never ask the question, just move right in the way,
Yet emotions, sure of them I'm simply not,
I always sat and wondered: what if we could be more?
What if I'd taken one more giant leap?
In honesty, confusion, I think it closed the door,
And now it's left me but a ****** heap,
I see you as a sister, and that's how it should be,
I don't want our relationship to end,
For we were never lovers, and now it's dawned to me,

**You're always better to me as a friend.
You've filled up my heart.
You're brightening my soul.
Even just your smile,
Gives me reason to glow.

You cannot possibly know,
How happy that you make me.
I still can't believe,
That I got to see you that day.

You're voice had my heart soaring.
I just can't get over it.
Everything about you,
Is all so perfect.

Also that you hugged me.
You didn't even have to be asked.
You just came along and did it.
But it was still over too fast.

It did last long,
But nothing's ever enough.
Not when you take account of,
How much I love you and not lust.

I guess you could say,
I lust for you too.
My feelings aren't full of lust though.
It's really all just of love.

Now I feel renewed.
Like you've topped my happiness up.
I can't wait until next time,
Because last time was just great.
 Feb 2015 Dustin
 Feb 2015 Dustin
My feelings for you goes beyond measure
So you just want a friend it will be my pleasure
Though we always have been and I really wanted more
I'm just tired of being one of the reasons why your heart is sore
I held on to hope even with  pessimistic tendencies
I'm really glad that you befriended me
I only want to make you happy and
keep you safe I'll do it gladly
I guess fate holds it own agenda
Even if I don't I like, I won't continue to fight it.
I'm sorry for reliving what should have been put to rest
I can't help it because I view you as the best
I'll try not to make it awkward but I can't make that a promise
I know your tired of my games
I'll try to stop all of my drama.
 Feb 2015 Dustin
Kali Namir
 Feb 2015 Dustin
Kali Namir
Starlight, star-bright
first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might
have this wish, I wish tonight.

I used to wish on so many stars, they all could fill a mall
I used to think they'd all come true, when the star began to fall,
I always wished for the same thing, instead of wanting it all
and never did I see, the writing on the wall.

My wishes never seemed to come true
but my wishing was never through,
I wished for what I could never have, but always would persue
the thing I wished for, would forever have been you.

I must have been wishing, on all the wrong stars
I might've even wished a couple times on Mars,
they might have never made it, through the windos on the cars
or maybe they got stuck, behind some metal bars.

But thanks to friends I've found another
one whom treats me better than my mother,
one who acts less like my brother
and more or less like a lover.

I am sorry that I love him, and that you are to late
my wishes never came true, so I made my own fate,
towards the stars who killed my dreams, my heart is filled with hate,
I just wish for you to know, I will no longer wait.

— The End —