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The significance of the number three
Is everywhere
In religion and life
but the number three
Has a deeper meaning to me
Three sisters
Two green eyed
One brown
We are forever bound
A tripod of love
Two would not do
Three is geometrically stable
The Love we share
I am eternally grateful

Sisters only we truly understand each other
because we all come from the same place
We all have been running the same crazy race

As different as we are the same
Saying things at the same time
Finishing each others sentences
As if we can read each others mind

Keeper of all my secrets
Loving me despite all my weakness

Laughter through tears
and tears through laughter
Help wipe away the tears thereafter

We will always be Sisters and Best Friends
but more importantly
We are Survivors
We can do anything
if we have each other to lean on
Our *Tripod of Love
Help me HP poets and tell me what you think of this poem please. I wanted to do a poem for my sisters for a Christmas present and this is what I have so far just let me know thoughts or suggestions
You tell me you're empty
And I know you want my sympathies
My acknowledgement of the problem
But all I can give you is the gawking gaze
Of a child on his first trip to the zoo
Leaving smudges on the snake tank as he tries to fathom
How something could be so alien and smooth and powerful.
You tell me you're empty
And all I can think is
That I have not a moment of my life to compare that to-
A day without suffering, without pain or danger,
Without that or joy so intense it tips right back over into treachery
I have no memory of any such day
To draw from for empathy.
I stand and stare at you
Empty you
And I know your sadness should be respected
And I know I shouldn't wonder so perversely
What it must feel like
Not to feel
But I can't help it
I feel like I'm standing on the other side of glass
Staring into the beady eyes of a boa constrictor
Wondering irresistibly
What its embrace must feel like for the mice it devours.
I know you are suffocating
But I
Am drowning
And I wonder
What empty feels like.
Title from Future Starts Slow by the Kills
I wanna make a dream
wish to make them true
why can't I close my eyes
As I have bad dream so many times

I wanna be happy
want to have a big smile
how can my face be bright
As I have cried for whole night
What is LOVE ?
Is it  a Lust?
Is it a Obligations?
Is it a Vested interest? Or
Is it just a Emotion?

It's  all about the Perception
of Love giver and recipient  !!!
It's all about Situation
when it happens !!!
Its 12:00am on a cold night i should
Be sleeping but instead im thinking
Of you  ❤️
I'm not scared,
I wont fall in love again.
I'm scared I will never fall in love like
i've had writers block and much more go on, but i hope everyone had a lovely holidays and has a lovely new year, you're awesome for reading this by the way... :)
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