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 Jul 2016 Andrea
Never been to good at leaving.  I like to stay put. Seeing others leave is kinda hard to deal with also.  If I do leave its not for a long time.  Crazy how we can see and experence the most beautiful of places.  But you soon find yourself going back home.  My home is not so glamorous and adventurous.  In fact it is a very small town in the middle of nowhere.   But it is home. It is a place that I will always find myself going back to.  

I have seen a great deal in the stars out here.  There are not many streetlights where I live.  This makes it easier for one to observe and feel the sky above.  When I put my music on a new world is seen within this small little town.  I later find out that this little town is the center of all the universe.  Its where it all begins and never ends..
Your home is your universe.
 Oct 2014 Andrea
We were to late.  Everything is gone!  All that was left was an afterglow from the weapon used to destroy the city.. The rumors were right.  They did in fact create a weapon of light and used it to shine away millions..  Amazing! How in just a moment the tied can be turned.. We were on the brink of taking over..  And now we are being shined away..  I do have to admit.. The afterglow is very beautiful..  The afterglow of death from light..
And on this day we create a weapon of our own..
 Oct 2014 Andrea
Here I am again..  This place is always ending.. I never really get to meet or talk to anyone here..  The moon has left for another.. This planet is leaving also..  There is no sound only music.  This chaos use to scare me to no end when I was a kid..  But now I see a beauty in the end itself..  I suppose this dream is trying to tell me something..  That it is alright for things to end..  Many of the people here are not crying or screaming in fear.. They are leaving in some form of rapture my mind conjured up.. Some smile while they leave and others have no emotion in their eyes.. They seem to know that it is time to leave..  Im still afraid to leave with them.. But I find myself wanting the chaos to take me..  I awaken................
Dont be afraid..  and know that you will wake up..
 Jul 2014 Andrea
 Jul 2014 Andrea
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay
I still need him to cheer me on
And to walk me down the isle with my pretty white dress on
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay
I can't stand to see him in all this pain
And watch him struggle as strength he tries to gain
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay
I want him to stay around for many more years
I need him here to calm my fears
Cancer please just go away
Please just let my daddy stay*
I love him so much I don't want him to go
Cancer please leave his body is not your home
 Jul 2014 Andrea
Its those who have been through the hardest of times that I see create the most beauty..  I cannot imagine what you have been through..  But for you to create another universe means that you have gone through hell below hell..  And some how you have made it back.. Please welcome me to your creation..  Dear God she truly is a prayer..  One of the most least understood..  And she is happy.. Seeing her happy helps me create another heaven..
It makes me happy to see her happy
 Mar 2014 Andrea
 Mar 2014 Andrea
Take it back, please
I do not want
Your gift anymore because
It lives in my sheets
Making it hard to sleep
Every night
I am thinking
About him
And whether or
My gift hides in his
Sheets, or
If it is tucked
Away in a closet
Of embarrassing laundry
His mother will never
 Mar 2014 Andrea
jeffrey robin
nakedly ****** and showing no strain

purely divine

sure and complete in her utter poverty


***** feet

eyes sparkling with light

the light that is life


we walk as if in a daze

we encounter demons

and pretend they're our own


if i was alone i could be with her

if i was alone

if i was nakedly pure and poor

and searching

i could walk with her forever


she dies completely and so she lives


nakedly ******

purely divine love

parodies our lonliness

enabling us

to join together as the world
 Feb 2014 Andrea
allison joy
exposure to you was the worst thing that could've happened to me, you taught me wrong and that it was good to hurt. you told me i wasn't good enough, that i was an introspection of disaster just waiting to happen. you weren't ever a loving hand to hold, you were the hands that burned me. you told me i was spiteful, naïve, and that i sang all the lyrics to your favorite songs wrong. you always walked around with balled fists and eyes darker than the embers sitting in the fireplace from love letters i wrote you that you didn't even pretend to read, in that moment i'm pretty sure that i burned holes into my shoes from staring at them for so long. i tended to tiptoe around you because you cut my lips with broken promises and gave me swollen black eyes. when i was with you i learned that the truth hurt because with you i didn't just get a slap on the wrist, i got 3rd degree burns from the words you said to me that are forever burned into my heart. i can't remember the last time i took a breath without getting choked with the hands of a man that was supposed to love me. the day i packed my bags was the day you told me malevolence would follow me wherever i went, i chose not to believe you. but i was wrong because you can see the burns, bruises, and cuts to prove that you kept one promise.
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