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 Apr 2015 Dina
She realized it then
When her heart hopped
Into her mouth screaming
Out ludicrous love songs
And her stomach started
To spin around like a cyclone
And she had this overwhelming urge to
***** and run
But he was her home
So she collapsed into his arms
And relished the feeling of just him being

She realized that she had
Fallen hopelessly in love
And she remembered that feeling
Seven months later
When she craved it so bad
That she fell to the floor and
Broke like glass
Bits and pieces of herself
Everywhere and she had
Lost herself
Truly that time
Feeling like she was grasping at thin air
Or clouds
Trying to get a grip
To stop the falling
But every firm thing
Slipping through her grasp.

She crashed down on the grasslands
Her back ached from landing on the
Earth with such force
And her ears rang.
The broken bits had
Come back together
Forcefully, and it hurt to breathe
Because she was used to some places
Being empty
So it felt awkward now that they were full.
She lay there
For a while,
Looking up the sky
Watching him lead another girl up
Abysmally high
Waltzing on clouds
Her laughter innocent and sweet.

She felt the sharp ache in her head.
She knew now.
All ludic childishness
A faint memory
She was back to normal now
She wondered what love was
Blindness or foolishness.
She couldn't decide.
She got up
And walked away
Into the sunrise.
 Apr 2015 Dina
 Apr 2015 Dina
Oh the irony
When we're young and innocent
Find someone we like and filled with joy
Next, everything falls and crashes

Years later, we meet others
But this time we question
Not them, not others, but
We question ourselves

Can never trust our own minds
Is it nothing more than an infatuation?
We will never know
Oh, the irony
 Apr 2015 Dina
I know that you deserve someone more beautiful now..
But I've got a pretty little song in my pocket we can rinse out..

My heart is on the edge again
I'm at a crossroad; it's right or left again..
And I don't know which way to go..
Are we at the end of what we know as 'just friends'?
Cause everything good, and too good must surely end
But I love you and that's one thing I'm sure

I don't want life to interrupt us,
No, not yet..
And I don't want to be that person, in 5 years you'll want to forget
I don't want to reach the ending, of this particular story
Cause everyday there's just something new, everyday you paint the universe for me

So I don't want to let go,
Even if my mind says so..
Even if the clocks won't move slow
Even if the rest of the world turns it's back on me

No just my heart, on the edge all alone again
2 weeks apart and I'm afraid it won't beat again,
But then you'd message me and reassure me that you'll still be here, whenever I need

Well is it okay if I need you a lot?
Is it okay if tonight I saved you a spot?
Right on the edge, with a view that overlooks the city..
The lights are great but it's you, you're the most pretty;

I've got a song in the back of my pocket,
A little rinsed out, but i hope you'll still love it...
Oh I'm in love with you,
I love you,
I love.. This.
A bit of a real comeback poem..

Yes. I meant every word..
 Oct 2014 Dina
I Fell In Love
 Oct 2014 Dina
You see
A person only truly falls in love
Once in their life time
And once that time is used up
There is no more.
You can lie to yourself
And to others
But if you were truly in love with them
That love cannot be undone.
I am in love.
A love that won't go away
With my best friend.
I fell off
The bridge of love
And into the waters
Where he followed
But his love came with strings attached
A bungee
And he jumped back up
And left me sitting there in the waters
While he's up on the bridge
Calling me up there
While I'm wishing him down here
And I have no bungee.
It's a mess.
 Dec 2013 Dina
As I lay in the bedroom,
My own personal confinement'
in which I oh so willingly created for myself,
I feel myself on fire,
My hands shaking out of utter frustration,
fighting every tear welling up in my eyes with all that I have left of my sense of mind,
But for what reason?
to be strong,
to reassure myself,
I ask myself what use is it to be strong if your utterly alone,
With no one to care weather your strong or not,
So I let go,
but just for a moment,
I allow myself to remember the pain,
the memories I locked away,
hoping someday they would cease to exist,
The troubling feelings that twist my heart and bring me to my knee's
letting out slow puffs of breath I calm my emotions,
wipe the water from my eye's ,
clear the tortured expression that once lay on my face,
I leave the moment and enter back into the world I made myself believe in,
I pretend to be strong.
 Dec 2013 Dina
soul in torment
What cannot speak can never lie...

therefore my love

I ask

do you love me

answer me


a kiss
 Dec 2013 Dina
Lauren Marie
I feel the tears coming on
I push them away
Shake my head
Lift my chin
I refuse break
Not again.

I am stronger than to let myself
Be bullied around
By my own thoughts
Fingers pointed
In no specific direction
No fault to blame
No one to call out
Just my intense feelings
Overtaking me.

I push
And push
It’s no wonder I am exhausted
Always fighting to keep my head above water
Either drowning
Or falling under.

My well being getting smaller
Words of others get louder and larger
People don’t hesitate to walk all over
The weak or struggling.

Times have changed
Can’t trust my neighbor
If I need to be saved
Risk doing it alone
Or being disappointed
Options aren’t very desirable
Like choosing between
Bad or worse
Each comes with their own surprises
Hurt or be hurt.

Unsure of the girl in the mirror
Her reflection becoming unclear
I stopped checking glances
Because I only see
Things I want to change
It’s not physical pain
It’s the emotional damage
That keeps me ******.

I feel trapped or lost
So I run
But flight always leads back to fighting
Can’t ever fully escape
It needs to be faced.

I am brave
But not a hero
I have courage
But still afraid
I am powerful
But dart my shadow
I am complex
Simple would be nice for change
But I am overtaken.

Simply overtaken.
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