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  Dec 2014 diana
               •full and
                       grand desi-
                          gns adorned
                              upon my very
              ­                  would land on
                                    my feet•my wo-
                                     rds now partially
                     ­               ng that of an ail-
                                   ing crescent• i...
                                 am still here, i...
                               watch and i lis-
                           ten• scouring
                        for mediocre
             that still
  Dec 2014 diana
This much I know now
My heart's been crying forever.
It stopped, when

beating to the 
same rhythm.
Dedicated to someone I've fallen deeply on HP:)
  Dec 2014 diana
Public Diary
Sext: I want my knife blade to kiss my neck like you used to
  Nov 2014 diana
Just Melz
My reprehensible mind
       Slipped you into my dreams last night
    You were there for me
         Cared for me
               Said you were mine

     I cannot say
           I did not enjoy this dream
While it was happening
      It's been a long time
Since I've even thought about you
       But when I realized your words seemed true
    My dream took a turn
                Something morbidly new

      I said the things I wanted to say
          Instead of just saying sorry
And... "It's okay"
         I cursed and I screamed
    I put you down the way you always did me
               I broke your fragile, pathetic heart
       Tore your soul apart

             I was so cruel,
     Yet, I still never reached your level
       With what you did to me
   You'd have made friends with the devil
         I was an angel in comparison
   Enjoying my first little taste of sin

    God, how I loved watching you crumble
                    And fall
          Made me feel larger than life
To make you feel useless and small
          All the times you pushed me down
             Watched me laying,
        Crying on the ground
    I finally had my turn
          How do you like me now?

This may make me seem
         Like a terrible person
     But... I Don't Care
            My dream made me smile
       You weren't there
               You didn't see
All the terrible, painful things he did to me
      When I woke up,
   I was finally able to laugh at the past
           Like I never was before
     Truly Enlightening
                 A new beginning
  I'm not in pain because of him anymore
       And *I never will be again
feels good...
  Nov 2014 diana
Wild Myths
I exist as a mirror
Wild lights have glazed over your skin
My whispers are tarnished
Our bodies a shield
Against the coming chills of a brittle wind

I linger with a breeze-like touch,
It comes out hoarse and swollen.
Thoughts  uttered with a breath of regret
Or a sigh of relief.

Your face turns foreign, a mesh of dark warmth
A light without the sun.
We’re all a wounded red
on the inside.
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