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One day you were waiting
your soul singing,
behind an open window,
in front of a large meadow

For the days long
there you made a love song
that blew me so long
grew our love so strong

where never seen any sad,
even days were not at all bad

If I did a little late
that I never forget,
sometimes you made a huff
but between us there was no gap

O, the days have gone
If I do not make any wrong
yet the little robin sings the spring's song,
which I bought through my lifelong

But your silhouette,
doesn't go a little far off yet

With a mystic fate
there a pair of pigeons set
yet trying to mate
just before the last breath
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Jul 2015 Destiny
Megan Black
I have this perfect idea of the most comfortable, happy life I could ever imagine to live.

We can get married now!
My family will love you.

One of us will propose in public, and people will watch and cry with us.
Because even strangers get cavities just watching our sweet sugar love melt into caramel.

I’ll wear a dress and walk down the aisle, something I swore I would never do, because I hadn't met you yet.

But in my head, the person standing at alter waiting for me? She’s blurry.

I knew from the first time you kissed me that I could be your wife.
But my level of crazy love does not match the shallow depth of yours.

I wanted to stand in front of my family and show them the grand canyon that our love fills up.

That will never be us.

You won't tell me 'yes'.
But you can't tell me 'no'.

Waking up to you every day makes that truth sink and leave impressions on my skin.

A wound that will never scab over.

You kiss me good morning and my eyes see that same blurry figure.

I still revel in the love you give.

Because even if I can’t have you forever, I will not pass up having you for now.

We are two parallel lines; steady, constant, reliable,

But  n e v e r intersecting.
Loving you is the most bittersweet candy in the world.
 Jul 2015 Destiny
god help me
 Jul 2015 Destiny
never believed in much
just people
and lord knows they let you down
but maybe you, gripping your holy pages, will find peace tonight
maybe you'll get to sleep.
maybe you don't have to feel like you're going crazy, losing something you never had. maybe.
but me? oh,  for heaven's sake, i am getting by.
i am losing my grip and getting lost in worry and wonder
but i am just fine.
 Jul 2015 Destiny
after tonight
i will watch you slip from my fingers and into the path that you choose
you will not be mine nor will you know that i have been holding you by my fingers all this time
i will watch you go into someone else's arms yet i will be content that you will find the person that will hold you by the tips of their fingers and hands
i will continue to treasure your smile, because let's face it, it's what i'm good at
it's been 4 years and each time i close my eyes, i see the sun shining, peaking through a cloud, like the corners of your lips that gently forms into that smile
and to the next 4 years to come, whether i will close my eyes and wake up to you by my bed side, or to an empty sheet of paper, a cold side of the pillow, a half finished cigarette, or to the smile i have treasured
you will always be the first person that i have loved ever
and i don't care if you have to wake up to someone else's arms wrapped around you
just remember that i will always be here, waiting, maybe even forever

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