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Dereaux Apr 2021
She was looking
wherever true love
for her might be.

To tell you the truth
I was actually hoping
she was looking for me

She did not have
to search further
surely not that far.

Sadly she just
walked by me,
leaving my heart
with a scar
Dereaux Apr 2021
Angelically words are written
with a consecrated pen
using blessed silver ink
on holy paper they glisten

Send on fragile wings
to the lord above
but it seems to me
he did not even listen
Dereaux Apr 2021
From a long and dusty farm road
there was a scarecrow waving
Standing on a pole in a cornfield
meanwhile the sun was blazing

I started walking up to him
and when I was almost near
It took of his straw hat, gave a smile
and told me to have no fear

Welcome visitor he shouted
would you like to play a game
please enter my corn maze for a walk
and if you get lost just call my name.

then with an elegant swing
he'd opened the gate
Told me not to rush
he was opened until late.

The maze was well maintained
paths were clean and wide
rabbits running all around
it was a beautiful sight

But then all of a sudden
scenery drastically changed
corn was brown and dead
daylight seemed deranged

I got the creepiest feeling
that I was being spied
somebody was watching me
opaque to my sight

Suddenly I was on the ground
I must have tripped over a stone
after taking a closer and better look
it turned out to be a human bone

It's a ****** mess I am in now
I have really lost the way
how to get out of this maze
what did that scarecrow say

In order to get out the maze
I have to call his name
he can guide me back to start
and end this sinister game

Orphic music started playing
when it came to my mind
He did not even mention his name
I was being there confined
Dereaux Dec 2020
Love runs
like a
bounded thread

complicated in-sync
with sweet dreams

we stay
woven together

never ever
we unravel
Dereaux Nov 2020
It was last night
that the white monster
sneaked unseen
across the quiet country.

Silently hovering
above the fields
swallowing all
what came on it's path

Over the vast fields
I noticed that he silently
but surely did his job
covering all in mist

Only the tallest trees
were lucky enough
to tower above his
growing power.

Early morning sun
already warming up
trying to contain evil

Through the shreds
she evaporated the mist
with pale golden rays

The idyllic picture
brought melancholy
to my heart.

If only everything
was so easy too
Dereaux Nov 2020
Peering across fields
looking to the horizon
creating images in my head
before the day even started

Snakes hide quickly
under the grass
exaggerating fens
feel like a big puddle

Storks nest together
on top of high poles
fox and marten watch
you can hear them sneak

Rabbit happily hops
from one hole to another
sheep looks on woolly
how do they keep it up

Frogs make paths
in the drifting sand
handy for the ants
marching across
the sandy path

Highlander grazes hairy
grass for grasshopper away
Woodpecker breaks bark
Cuckoo goes insane

A deer shoots away
is looking for a safe pasture
There is space enough
for a whole pack
all come along
Dereaux Nov 2020
In the peace
and solitude of the room
I want to write one last poem
the candle searches diligently for fuel
soon I see the last glimpse of it's light

Just one more glass then
one last drink on this day
which slowly slides to her end
and morning light
may greet us tomorrow

The candle extinguishes
I am alone
and in the light of the moon
it is dark and quiet on the street
the poem is written
and it's time
to go to bed.
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