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Your words pulverized me again and again
I saw each little arrow
that lead me in circles
back to your doorstep,
wanting to reach out, touch you
but was afraid you weren’t there,
Did you understand the love we shared
Deeper than the depth of the Pacific,
but the schism of the abyss deepened,
like a cracking Mariana, imploding unto itself,
as I play each scene through my mind
what did I do to make you turn away
I wonder…
it was hard to say
good bye…,

My angel, it has been long, since I saw you
yet whatever little moments that we spent
were blessed pearls in shining oysters,
worn around our hearts
I aver it still hurts to know
you are still there somewhere
How I miss…
the endless, senseless talks
wishing for more of those precious moments,
but life, does it value treasured seconds?
I wonder…
then why is it that
I miss the most…us?

I hope to awaken when the sun comes up
and rubbing my eye, I see the dream crash
see you standing before me
as if you had never left my side.

The parallel worlds.
My princess, just peep out of the castle window
Do you see that glorious steed?
A knight atop, in his shining armour
Perhaps not…
Since with changed time’s dimensions
I stand on the tor while your castle is in the vale,

Each looking at the other as a mist
Yet still there, where we were…
Nothing has changed, yet there is no constant
The eye of the storm has changed the breeze
The sailboats changing tack, yet on the same course
All a matter of perception…*

Look out of your dream and you shall find
Us, standing on the same shore that we last left,
The travels and travails seem to keep us adrift
Bobbing up and down, times tides
Synchronous, dancing to the beat of the waves…

Debbie Brooks.
Thank you Dee.. its an honor to collaborate with you
Ray of light, beams and cast away the night
shadows departing as you joined me so slowly
circling and waiting for the right moves...

Illusions fall away to heightened the consciousness
kissing the hurt so far away
with the rise and fall of our breaths
last evening was the perfect night
I listen for the silence , your breath so near
you are reaching for my form to bring me to you....

As twilight begins and birds start their song
the night was so magical and my mind set in stone
the day flows along, the dreams roll around
wanting to be into a new night, with my special love...

The dusk is here and I am where I belong
your arms are outstretched guiding me once again
You circle and guide following my look
this will be the night, you promise,
better than last one.....*

Debbie Brooks 2014
For My Love
 Oct 2014 Dee
Miss Havisham
 Oct 2014 Dee
Miss Havisham
Through the windows I can see,
the gardens are in bloom once more.
I catch a moment of beauty,
it was a fading glance.
Beauty, all around.
Beauty I had
failed to

As I sat at my desk,
remembering the water fall
remembering you...

My muse rambled on and on,
I could not stop my words as they folded to you my love ...

My sin...
Showed one more time as I struggled with your touch.
You hid my heart in the winds of your world,
you found the tears on my cheek.
You never asked me what was wrong.
then you were gone,
which makes me cry to find you so unconcerned for my safety,
and so I write.....

But Darling your love makes me melt like rain,
our starving moon that weeps and weeps for our love to be
is lost one more time..
Why don't you love me anymore ...

You kept asking me and wanting my love
I gave you all of me
but the blessing are few unless I am in your arms
That's where the sin comes in
I don't want just a dream,
but your frozen magic that stills holds my destiny
my heart that bleeds crimson magic and even despair
I want your lips that call me princess, baby, my lady ....

Dear love...
I want your love your special touch that finds my soul,
that holds my tears in your eyes,
that kisses my breath in your mouth...
My ******* long for your matador,
and the moon at our backs,
hiding your hands,
holding me in your embrace
with lavender folding around our bodies,
kissing the dew of tears one last time...

Oh darling,
how you rained down on me slowly in poetry
now snow white rays of clarity that shows
that bed of river flowing in our quietude here ...

I love you darling,
oh so much....
Into me you bleed and moan,
our bed is on an edge of gold....

As our love in the rain,
that dropped millions of drops of you,
falling all around my body and kissing my body so new,
holding this side of light with sweet stars so bright ...
Yes those millions of drops of rain,
that falls on our bodies, as your kisses explore,
the image is brought forward in my dreams as I lay so spellbound

Hello my love,
my darling,
I am curious to see how your heart Is holding up?
Seeing you standing there,
looking so grand in your black suit,
as I watch you... I realize that my tears don’t affect you anymore...

The sound of your breathing don’t become you,
although I know, It was the purest divine love that we had,
that was turning the wheel with divine blessings ...
It was a thousand high souls that night,
that I wrote,
with a million drops of you,
falling like rain between my life and yours.
then I looked at the rays of midnight sun..
Yet you are gone now..

What did I do wrong?
And I still write...*

Debbie Brooks 2014
Death near
don't open the door
forgotten ruptured sky
sees you and I
riches are impossible
in the blinding dust
vision is beyond the horizon
fighting to win
you back
come close to losing all....

Each selective thought
will bring about
pieces .......
that we will think is love
discarding the rest
in street dust
of many tomorrows to come

It has been years since
you left me so long ago
trying to forget
daily life .... that we loved so
this is the last poem
that l will write
of the pain
you brought about

Time schedules
Timbre slows
so very far
in a varied substance
of liquid foam
as death
don't open the door.....*

By Debbie Brooks
We all know death is coming and remembering all the yesterdays of pain.. can seem no more..
 Oct 2014 Dee
Sally A Bayan
(Rambling thoughts on a full moon night)

High up there, I glance at you,
You hide again, sometimes peeping,
While I put aside
My worries for this day.
Gray waves and curves  shroud you
This early August evening...
Right this moment, you are out, perfectly rounded.
We watch each other,
You eye me down,
I look above, to you...
We speak in our silence,
With me, listening,
Offering all the warmth I could share with you,
You, with your Ivory white light, cold and distant
Unlike your warm yellow crescent
of some nights ago.

This evening, scary images have no places to go,
For you awaken in me
Dormant, unsettling thoughts.
I am confused, yet,
You show me a panoramic view of faces,
They dwell in my mind as I gaze at you.
But there is this brilliant one
That smiles beneath your moon glow,
It stares me in the eye,
Speaks to me, without words.

My breathing evens out,
It becomes a melody,
Because the time has arrived,
These few moments,
When restlessness drifts away
As you shine down on me,
When impatience departs from me,
And I am calmed suddenly,
And I don't know what else to think of,
For, this evening,
You, and this brilliant face have once again
Comforted me.
I am warmed, I am glad.

And I, now smiling, looking up at you,
My August moon, I bid you goodnight,
I am beaming, as silently, I thank you.


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***August 11, 2014---8:23 PM...
-not much to share, just a brief evening break, a short,
-wordless conversation, between the moon and me...***
 Oct 2014 Dee
 Oct 2014 Dee
my life me dream
where do you seem to be?

or in fantasy

in me

past, present, future?
Contagiously disinfect

my bad nurturing close
my wounds with

kissy sutures,

cleanse me sanity with
your oh so sweet words.
to this world, balance
upon your curves.
for chances
it will turn out
my past is presently,
me destiny.
 Oct 2014 Dee
Calm and pleasant,
drifts on
the misty glow,
of our
hands holding
chairs squeaking a melody

It was a long day ago
singling each other out,
when we sought, together,
this crimson sunset,
this inner
calm, this pleasant

Hand in hand,
believing in our
determination to be here this day,
this night together,
so long ago. Remember,
with me, as
we sit in these
old squeaking rockers
in night glows.
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