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 Feb 2015 Deenah
I remember how you told me to pray
That a child's prayer is never not answered
And it worked
I held a power
A secret
A speed dial connection
From my heart straight to the heavens
No middle man angels
It had to be from the heart otherwise it wouldn't work
But now I wonder where that heart has gone
It's numb and won't feel
Somewhere buried by the burdens of enticing traps
I tried looking for the door
But I don't want that anymore
I want a heart with no veils
What use is a door
Where there should be no walls
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Toil and trouble
He went through it all
Just a man yet so much more
He was the seal of prophet hood

Orphan child
Never knew his mother
But brought with him all parents rights
And love for children alike

Illiterate and uneducated
Yet not a word was taken for granted
Read in the name of Your Lord
A duty upon believers to seek knowledge

A noble and trustworthy tradesman
His character and personality spoke for him
Can you imagine in those times
A woman proposed to him

Committed to his mission
Peace treaties and alliances
Evicting racism and hatred
He even fought with rules and principles

He preached for the sake of brother hood
Humanity and love
We were all one
No nationality, no patriotism

Such responsibility
Yet never a burden
Beaten and exiled he lost his wife and kids
Still he carried on for us

Courageous and fearless
Never judged anyone by their past or looks
Open minded and tolerant
Even when he was helpless

Jewish neighbours
And Christian cousin in laws
He believed in good relations
And practised what was preached

He spoke of a time riddled with strife
Temptations with every breath
Those people would be tested the most
And he prayed for people he never met

Yes we love him
Because he guided us to right
Showed us a perfect example
The role model we all aspire to
 Feb 2015 Deenah
You say that you are a Muslim 
You say you stand for Islam 
But how can your Islam
Be so different to mine 

Two individuals 
On opposite sides of the globe
We believe in the same God 
Follow the same voice 

If you are a Muslim
Your actions would show it 
You would follow the Qur'an 
And not distort it

If you are Muslim and this is your Islam
Then I am a non-believer
Refusing to take the blame
So oppress not in my name
 Feb 2015 Deenah
We meet once again
My love, my friend
Ready to play this game?

The game of love
The game of life
But we never win

We try and try
Until we lose
Time to put everything away

We part our ways
Until we must play again
Most people would tire
But this game, I desire
I will play it until the end

Tell me my love
I need to know
Will things remain same
When its over
When its done
After we go insane?
Take this crumpled heart
It only beats in your hands
Hold it, forever
A haiku.
I always felt like I was suffocating her
Feared that she's seeing too much of me
Got afraid that she'll get sick of me

So I gave her space
I backed a little and waited
Waited to see how long would it take
her to think and wonder about me
How long would it take her to remember me

I was always the one who initiated
So this time,
I waited for her to come to me
For her to ask about me
For her to talk to me

I wanted you to wonder about me
I wanted to be adored by you
I wanted to matter to you
I wanted you to want me
I wanted you

The sad thing about love
is that you are not always loved
by the person you love
And that is my case with you, beautiful

I fell in love with a person who I can't let a day go by without her,
while she can go weeks without me crossing her beautiful mind

You are a disease that I do not want to be recovered from
Always the one who loves, rarely the one loved.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
 Feb 2015 Deenah
There are things your only your eyes have ever seen
Places that only you have ever touched
Memories created
That have never meant so much.
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