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 Feb 2015 Deenah
Francie Lynch
I counted
Thirty-three flies
On the fly-paper.
A few stll
Wiggled their wings,
But the feet
Were cemented.
Even if you're born
With wings,
You can't fly off
When well-grounded.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Joe Cole
Traveling in the last hours of darkness
Down this long and dusty road
Looking up I see the moon so full
On her journey through the night

I want to leave my earth bound life
And on her take a ride
For she is traveling westward
And would take me to your side

I continue on my lonely way
The sound of road noise in my ears
But if I could ride upon that golden orb
It would wipe away the years

To ride the road of the milky way
To your side where I belong
No radio or CD playing
Just the sound of angels songs

Is it just a dream I'm dreaming
Or could it become reality
To be with you my own sweet love
Just us, just you, just me
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Nancy E Tracy
I pedaled so hard to get to the place
that I thought that I knew was right

And when I get to where I have got
I sometimes find out that the right
that I thought was right.....
was not

So I picked myself up and I dusted me off
although I'm a terrible sight
I got on my horse (I hope no one's  watching)
and galloped off into the night

It isn't so bad to make a mistake
just go to the end of the line
a lesson you've learned just like everyone else
and you start all over again

starting over is not such a horrible thing
sometimes it's all for the best
your perspective is better, your mind is much clearer
you've triumphed and won like the rest

A good sense of humor and love in your heart
are required for a life without woe
you'll never be able to live without those
and we all have to learn to let go
So many people are so afraid that they'll make a mistake that they are afraid to try anything new....
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