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  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
And from the tree I fell letting the wind take me where it pleased
so lifeless I'd float through the sky
where did all life go that use to flow so peacefully within my soul  
the beauty faded and the pain grew
the tears fell and it all ceased
every person I loved seemed to take a part of me as they left leaving with pieces that I don't know how to fit together , I would say I'm broken but that'd imply I could be fixed. People like me can't be Mended, our hearts have stopped far too many times and cried far too many songs of desperation, wore out due to a lack of love needed to keep pumping. People like me are not broken we are simply the dead disguised among the living
  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
We grow old like watches
The hands are stiff from work
Correct time reflected twice a day
A fact which leaves us erked
Having regularity
Becomes a real perk
Hearts left too long in the sun
Become completely ******

We grow old like plumbing
Springing lots of leaks
Number 1 is hourly
The other once a week!
There's orthascopic searches
The plumbers take a peek
While the polyps and fistulae
Really have us freaked!

We grow old like locks & keys
You know, the skeleton kind
We can't unlock our hips & knees
We can't unlock our minds
We can't unlock our senses
Eyes & ears go blind
We can't get out of fleshy jail
We're really in a bind!

We grow old like vehicles
Our wiring starts to burn
Odometers spin like crazy
While our wheels refuse to turn!

We grow old like parchment
We pour out like a cup
We count the beats of clicking bones
The old want to be pups
While the crazy youngsters of today

Can't wait to grow up!

(C) 1/13/2017
Nightowl poetry (can't sleep EITHER! LOL!)
  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
There's a certain uniqueness in being strange

The thought of being different,
Unique with words,
Best amongst equals

The thought of being the light amidst the dark
Invading all chasms
Shining forth

The thought of being strange,
Like a talisman abstruse
Strong, yet soft in approach

Tall, yet bend when the wind blows,
Cold, yet melt with emotions,
Better by far

Best amongst equals

Ovi Odiete© Jan, 2017
I just needed to write something to come out of writing drought
  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
Until the sky falls
When we are swallowed by the sea
Until the mountains crumble
And Kingdoms are just debree
When blood pours from Heaven
Until the sun fails to light our days
I'll Love you until then
Simply put, Always
I've not much time as of late to express my appreciation of the words posted here. However, make no mistake, I have read. God has chosen to show me My own mortality. And in experiencing this, expulsion, I've learned. Thank you all for your words. They mean a great deal to me.
Pause ...
And acknowledge your triumphs,
A little bit more,

That you are stronger,
Than you once were before.

Take timeout
To free your chaotic mind,

Rearrange your priorities,
Things of importance
You will find.

Do things
That make you feel
Real joy and happiness,
A little bit more,

The things
You used to make time for,
Once upon a long time ago--before.

Praise yourself
For the effort you put-in,
In all that you partake,

And forgive yourself,
Along the way, for any misjudgements,
That you may happen to make.

Walk with nature,
Or walk through shallow waters
Of a beautiful sandy beach,

Walk through an evergreen forest,
Or a local park, within reach.

Read a book,
Watch a movie,
Or take a swim,

Do something you love,
Do anything!

Just do it
A little bit more!

Your soul will thank you -  
Of this, I'm absolutely,
Positively sure!

By Lady R.F ©2017
  Jan 2017 The Dedpoet
Now I understand the flame of your presence
to my lofty moth wings
and my icarus heart
your sadness is sweet love potion
aphrodisiac comfort of childhood
I see the echoes of my soul
in your deep river eyes
calm surfaced with a storm underneath
I come from the same water
your multifunction brain,
Analytics and creativity
you've argued once before that only schizos
can process two complex ideas at the same time
and i wonder how deep my problems go
because that cant possibly be true
I've told you I've worlds in my brain
i process multiple lives simultaneously
I know you feel me
I see you, I've whispered crazy things all my life
you think you're bizarre
i think we are alike.
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