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 Nov 2017 Debbie Ogenyi
the most frustrating thing
when it comes to a writer
is when everything
every word, every letter,
isn't enough to give justice to
the captivating picture of you
in the afternoon:

soaked in sweat,
grinning foolishly,
striking up a conversation
about coffee,
and how unhealthy it is
for me to drink
three cups straight,
to stay awake,

yet the bittersweet taste
stains my lips.

it spills down my throat,
covers my lungs,
and drowns them
with the addicting aroma
of coffee beans
and lazy dreams,
until i cannot seem
to breathe,

and the only thing
i can ever do
is to spill ink
for you.
 Nov 2017 Debbie Ogenyi
 Nov 2017 Debbie Ogenyi
I'm afraid
to look at you
because maybe
you'll be looking back
and I'll be reminded of the
ways my heart learned to love
the person you pretended to be
Do u remember
Time in November
Where all love hides
Under the rumble of broken dreams
I wonder
how our great creator
built a vessel
strong enough
to contain my soul?

Each day my spirit fights
against my skin with violent
jolts as a young bird
seeking exit from a cage.

Unfettered psyche
free from me
bounces among clouds
rolls through deserts,
climbs volcanic ridges
migrates with birds in flight.

Curious instincts guide
my vital force inside and out
like honey bees
scour zinnias in full bloom.

Dare I release my spirit today?
Free spirit, soul,
It feels like He is  right here waiting
Yet he is  just full of deceit
Just moments ago I planned for today
When today  seemed like long years to come
But now Today is finally here
Time has played his trick again

I have had brief awesome moments
I have been swallowed by pain but spewed
All  these moments  simply varnish  
And leave me with memories
Truly nothing will last forever
Today was tomorrow just yesterday
Today will  be yesterday by tomorrow
Thats how tricky Time is

passing  while making me feel he is here
He walks away and leaves me broken
I am   wishing I never let him go
Was it me?or him?who is to blame?
While  I push blames,he moves further  away
Far away from me,not minding my feelings

I began to ask questions about his past
I was not the first he has cheated
Yet I found some who beat him in his game
Then I realised Time is always on the move
He simply cant stay commited to just me
But I can be steps ahead,I wont wait for Him
Im moving,no room for idleness
No room for wishful thoughts

So I accept Him back into my life
But this time,Im am smarter
I see him play his old tricks
Moving away as he always would
But I smile , knowing I am moving too
I have choosen to always be steps ahead
I agree that  he is pracious and valuable
Yet cunning and always playing games
But I am not worried,two can play the game
Morning write:life is short,time is always on the move,but you can beat time.
That story in a poem
some people have given up,they see Nigeria as hopeless,They feel it can not get better.they come with history records,recent happenings and even present situations.People are frustrated and tired  so out of the frustration comes so much cursing and bitter words.
Believe me when I say I know the feeling of disappointment,the hurt that one feels when hopes are raised only to be dashed.But when I withdraw from the so much noise and look a little deeper.I see much good in  Nigeria.I am being really honest now.I know someone can see this good but if you can not, I wish I could borrow you my eyes, just so you see what I see and of course return my precious eyes back.
  Right from the time of Adam and to this very day,We humans tend to feel comfortable pushing blames.We refuse owning up to our wrongs or inefficiency.
  While complaining of a cut in your leg there is someone with no legs,he would gladly take your legs with the cut , Be thankful and treat the cut.When the complain is not healing the cut,why don't you use the time to find some first aid.
  Why curse when you can bless
  why speak death when you Can speak Life
  why worry when you can pray
  We can change our thinking
  We can look inwards at what we can do
  We can individually make a positive   difference

I'm not saying become voiceless,I'm saying  let your voice carry positive    value and be backed up with positive actions.
Can anything good come from Nigeria?      
Yes!I'm a good example
Happy Independence Beautiful people of Nigeria
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