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It hurts me when you say,
that no one will ever stay.
Coz when the day turns to night,
I will be the moon, your light.

They say “People come and go”.
So I’m here to let you know.
I will prove them wrong
and sing with you every song.

I will dance to every step;
all the secrets will be kept.
I will not let you go,
until all deserts bear snow.

No matter what happens,
your darkness, I will lighten.
My back will only turn,
if the sun will cool its burn.

xoxo cj
My friend said no one will ever stay. Little does she know what I'm capable of defying.
  Mar 2015 Debbie Jean Embrey
if we lived in a castle
would you make me your queen?

if we were rain we would fall on deserts
the poor's thirst to quench

if we were acid
we would be corrosive,harsh and reactive

if i was the moon and you were the sun
i'd borrow your light and make us one.
It doesn't make sense, I know, it's  supposed to be like that
  Mar 2015 Debbie Jean Embrey
i am not a mystery
i am an open book with secrets to be deciphered.
i am your warm words,
your forbidden curse.
i am the fingerprints on railings,
the feeling you get when you're failing.
i am that fall when you get high,
i am that song which made you cry.
i am the dead cells on your skin,
the greed when you're rich.
i am that rhetorical statement,
that lonely guitar by the pavement.
i am that scream when the car crashes.
i am the fire which brings you to ashes.
i am that unknown melody in your head.
i am that coffin in which you were placed.
i am that time bomb ticking away,
the succubus telling you to live another day.
My narcissism at its best
come with me
and let us pluck
the gentle petals
of the flower
to see and to feel
its beauty
its essence
to get the feel
of nature's love
a divine love
the perfect gift
that blossoms
into Spring
Is it sounds
With surfaces of the sounds
Or surfaces without the sounds:

Is it winds
                curling round invisible corners?
Polyphony of perfumes?
Antennae discovering an axis,
                          erecting the architecture of a world?

Is it
      orchestration of the finger-tips,
                                                       graph of a fugue:
Scaffold for colours:
                              colour itself being god?
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