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When the sunshine sets
it sets on you
because that's where it lead
love came back so true

When the sun rises high
it shines on you
that's the good thing 'bout friends
only the best will do

When I see your sweet smile
I'm fine all day
so glad that we're friends
what more can I say?
I think often of my friends,
and the wonderful people
that they really are :)
blown to bits
smashed dreams
raging winds
surround me
risen outrage
cries for help
no one around
to scream at
or to leer
ascended hostility
blowing my mind
causing my heart to race
to try and escape
but there are
no open doors
the raging winds
engulfed me
It is healthier to let out our anger
than to hold it in. It is better
to pour it out in ink
than to say something
you may regret.
I found that i could not write about you
It's not that there are no words to describe what you are
It's not a problem with words
It's a problem with feelings
How do k write without feelings?
No matter how much i have delved into my brain or how much effort i put into it i could not muster up anything about you that could light up a fire in me
And that's a problem
Because i cannot write about you
And if i cannot write about you
That means i don't love you

I can't help but think of him
he is always on my mind
his lips next to mine
the way he walks
the words he speaks
oh the memories!

I can't help but love the man
he is always in my heart
my heart beats so fast
when he's next to me
oh the memories!

I can't quite help myself
he is always in my head
my breath slows to a nil
when I think of him
oh what memories!
Remember me when I am gone
to my Home beyond the skies
remember a heart that loves you
and the warmth that was inside

Remember me when not in sight
as with the eagles I soar
remember a heart full of love
and of course the hugs galore

And never forget the 'I love yous'
and arms that held you tight
may you be wrapped with blessings
as you lie down tonight

Remember me when I am gone
the smiles most of all
with laughter and the joy
for with this I'll remember you all
looking back way back when
I recollect Grandma in her chair
and braided plum to her toes
was long, lapping gray hair

she sat there with a big smile
and would gaze into your eyes
big beautiful brown reflections
house smelled of apple pies

I will never forget her
as long as it's God's will
her memories are few
but they linger with me still
written on 3-10-2015 @ 12:58 a.m.
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