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 Jan 2015 amelia
queen pixie
sometimes I think about us
and I'm sure we're meant to be
we would be so good together
I wish I had just one day with you
to check if I'm right about us
I could be the last thing on your mind
before you close your eyes
and the first in the morning
I could make you smile
and iron your shirts

sometimes I think I'm crazy
to think you would like someone like me
I realize how dumb it sounds
and I close my mouth
but you never leave my thoughts
you're hidden deep inside now
I'm trying not to lose my mind
but the worst of all is
that I will always wonder
maybe it would work out
 Jan 2015 amelia
 Jan 2015 amelia
He speaks in clichés and I only speak in antithesis.
 Jan 2015 amelia
life is just a monotony if you fill it with a single thing
take one down and everything falls apart
i remember that afternoon when it couldn't be continued
i remember my knees get weak
i remember falling to the ground
someone should've told me to fight less
should've told me to stop loving short nights away from home
stop admiring citylights from the second floor
maybe i shouldn't have woken up so early
shouldn't have taken early morning showers
i should have stopped myself from living someone else's past
and living someone else's hopes
never try to impress a dummy
even the ones that say they'll bleed for you
i will try to forget how i sound after climbing those stairs
how they picked their microphones and screamed their adoration
this is time to start anew
maybe this time there won't be citylights
but please tell those short trips i'm coming back again
and tell them this:
today i don't have other dreams to die for
 Jan 2015 amelia
 Jan 2015 amelia
It's all blurred, and
I don't know whom to fight.
 Jan 2015 amelia
60 ticks
 Jan 2015 amelia
time hits me like a full-moon wave
and went back just as fast
time hits you like a breeze
and caresses your skin
(i can perfectly see why
you don't get my fear of getting old)

sometimes i just want to catch a wave
and get closer to the moon
then bring back a reason why
i can't afford to lose you
 Jan 2015 amelia


But wish I was...          


 Jan 2015 amelia
 Jan 2015 amelia
I've got this fever
Built by the cold night's breeze
Some say I'm homesick
But homesickness goes away over time

I've got this fever
Built by the beds I made myself
There's lack of warmth to keep me alive
And too much heartbeats that don't match

I've got this fever
Built by the early morning loneliness
By crowded lines in noisy halls
And footstep sounds that's stomping my thoughts

I could still hear her say
"Baby, come home.
Keep your anchor down longer this time
And I promise I'll take care of your battle scars."

Baby, I'll come home
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