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Then you got your artsy pals
Oh someone shoot me in the head!
Just a silly romp.
I miss slow dancing
awkwardly in musky
jr high gymnasiums
with lame hair cuts, and shoddier shoes
from payless

but in the dark
limitless future
when hands trembled at hips
and lips quivered at ears
when perfume broke us
like picks
at a bottomless a quarry

was that not heaven?

when hard-ons rose like spears
and we talked on phones all night
on our backs peering into moons
you are a collection of my favourite senses.

you are the smell of smoke
of a fire that’s just burnt out
the drifting
curling grey
the ash
glowing still

you are the too-bright sun in my eyes
and yet still beautiful and necessary
the pagan in me
worshipping your descent to earth
like an angel
who simply wanted to greet me

you are the feel of a fur coat around my neck
soft and warm
comforting, like a mother’s touch
but also a thrill, unsettling
the feeling of death kissing my throat

you have the taste of aphrodisiacs
chocolate, wine and
the juices of our chemistry
dripping from the sides
of my mouth
your smile wide
at the open euphemism

you are a collection of my favourite senses
and when i kiss you i am

stupid living boys
     and their hummingbird hearts.
stupid dead boys
     and their lingering stares.
supermarket polaroids,
     cold apartment poetry,
faded glassy eyes,
     ***** fingernails.
                            u    u   n    u
                         n       a   r        n
                       a            l              a
                      r             u               r
                     m            n               m
                     i           a      r             i
                     s          l        u           s
                      s          n     a           s
                       i             r              i
                         o          l            o
                             n     u      n
I    go        out          for       coffee
                    with            my                        be­st                            
                                fr­iend        every
                         And see the thorns come out of
                    I  people In ways I wouldn't expect.
              D    One woman moves away from us. One
        R         boy calls her a terrorist. One man threate
    I           ns to have her deported Even though she w
N           as born in New Jersey.    America the free....?
K         I drink coffee with my parents in the morning, My
C          Dad's daily dose of poisons called  Fox and Friends
O     Hannity  The O'reilly Factor  Cause my ears to bleed.
    F   They say that while not all Muslims are terrorists All ter
      F   rorists are Muslim.    They use religion as a scapegoat
          E  What they don't know isThese radicals do the exact
             E same thing. I drink coffee by myself in the afterno
                 on. Somewhere, during that time Personality Ru
                  pert Murdoch blames all Muslims for terrorism.
                   He says they all must take responsibility for t
                     his "cancer". Then must I, as a Christian, tak
                      e responsibility for the KKK?  Must I, as a
                         member of your religion, Rupert, take
                           responsibility for your ignorance?  I
                             stand in solidarity with these Mus
                              lims who would never rip a hair
                                off my head or a bone from m
                                  y body.  We can do without
                                    people like you, who mak
                                        my coffee taste bitter.
#rupertsfault #stopislamphobia #stfufoxnews #muslims #solidarity
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