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 Nov 2015 David
 Nov 2015 David
All the experiences
from life's coffers
I'm willing to take

To commit into text
with deliberate romanticism

My brand of unspoken poetry
with sense
only I can make

To rebut
my mind's
skeptic cynicism
 Nov 2015 David
If I could stoke every single flame in the
     fiery blaze that is your heart
          To ashes are the
               kindling that I so willingly volunteer

If I could be the strength
     round the girth of your trunk
          Formidable am I made to last
               year after year

If I could exist in the
     tales of your breaths
          Perpetual am I etched in the
               eternity of your forever
 Nov 2015 David
 Nov 2015 David
In retrospect,
dredging up past events    
that led to the here and now.              
Pending course of actions in which to exact...    
Reaching as far back as the mind would allow.

In retrospect,
studying the reflection
in the rear view mirror,  
as the present freezes itself intact.
Sifting through past images...        
Second by second,
frame by frame.      
Identifying overlooked pitfalls          
and margin of errors.      

In retrospect,
straddling the realm...  
Where my current state of mind      
lapses into a minute-long sleep.  
Sights on the future... Folded blind,
discerning the treachery          
of impulsive thoughts and actions.        
Diving up from oceans deep,    
painting the backdrop beyond paths at
unmarked junctions.              

In retrospect*,
every detail deconstructed...
Deliberated against the yardstick  
of what's done and the supposed.    
Refracted memories snap back clean into place.      
Over and over...        
Layer upon layer...    
Time and again forming      
the looming weight      
that pulls me to a stumble              
into the stagnant puddle...  
Of long gone days.
 Aug 2015 David
 Aug 2015 David

• let the
ticks on
my wri-
or   that
of     my
pulse    •
for  what
i fail to cle-
nch in fist•in
my heart, nev-
er falters; never
  ■11            ^              1■  
■10                 I                 2■  
■9                    ●----->         3■  
■8                                      4■
■7          ­                       5■

with each tick of
the hand • is a
glimpse into
the uncert-
ain future
• let  slip
the  loo-
se   gra-
ins     of
lose the
al  gaps
to bring
 Jan 2015 David
I knew you were already mine
But still
I have this feeling
Of not being complete

No, don’t blame yourself
Because it wasn’t you
And neither was I

It’s just that
Something was missing
That can never be found

I don’t want to
Stay like this forever
Maybe it’s about time
To release these hallucination
And wake up

Not from this dream
But from this nightmare
That you aren’t totally real

You may be in my every poem
That was yet to be written
But that’s all
Nothing more and nothing less
 Mar 2014 David
Natalie Przybyla
You answered just a little too fast.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing I've missed you.
It surprised me.
The last time I saw you,
And the time before that,
You were intoxicated.
It surprised me.
I haven't seen you in about a year,
And I am realizing what you are to me.
It surprised me.
You are a dress without hems or seams.
I hardly know you but you are beautiful.
You are the bullet in the rotating cylinder of the gun to my head.
You dig through my skull and explode my amygdala.
And force me to love you.
You are the jam in the barrel as I pull the trigger.
I fell to the ground in realization:
You both killed me and saved me.
It surprised me.
Follow me on Twitter: @laniate

 Mar 2014 David
Poetry by MAN
 Mar 2014 David
Poetry by MAN
A Beauty you are out and within
I have an insatiable desire to write poetry on your skin
Your body my canvas feel my gentle brush
Writing ******* with my ****** touch
Cinnamon lips I love your tone
Soft and silky to the bone
Finding my guide
As we connect I come inside
Filling each other..there's no strain
Steady my thoughts I must maintain
Watching my penmanship using a steady stroke
I start hallucinating from my mental smoke
Sends me into a frenzied flow
I'll find my pace..go on a roll
My words soak in as you taste
My emotions invade your inner space
Down from your toes..Up to your eyes
Writing Haikus between your thighs
Poetry on your body every inch
You start writhing from my Scorpion pinch
Sinfully venomous my words forever sink
Into your skin my poetic tattoo ink
As you lay naked I visually feast
Every line of your body a masterpiece..
M.A.N 3-7-14 One of my favorites I really enjoyed writing this poem..^_*  ♏
 Mar 2014 David
Anthony Moore
I think I first met the Devil
on a long dark highway.
I was hitch hiking and he was going my way.
He wore the cleanest suit I've ever seen,
but drove such a ****** up truck.
Said that he was in between limousines and I said

"That's just my luck, my life is a ****, everyday she gets ******."

And he laughed until he gasped and he grasped at his chest
then he asked if he could have one of my last cigarettes.
I said

"Actually stranger, I don't get down like that.
These are packed with the bang of that cool BOOM-BAP!."

His lips were
t h i n
and twisted in the most devilish grin.
Just when I smiled back at him he said

"I know who you are, and, who you were back then. Don't you remember me friend? With no laces in your issues and your fist got misused, so come on let's be honest. What are you into? There's got to be something that tempts you."

"Man plenty of **** do. But I don't let it affect me you could have said it directly now you're only here to infect me so, I'll just be on my way if you let me."

He told me

"Tony, see it's not that easy, there are no free rides in these times and we've already gone about three miles. So what's it going to be? Your heart, your soul, or your sanity?"

The moral of my story is just, you must, be careful who you trust.
Even Lucifer was an angel once.
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