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 Oct 2014 Corinne Kahi
Where is everybody?
They keep telling me they are here
here for me
but they never are
lies and broken promises
I’m starting to doubt
is anyone out there?
truthful and actually here?

 Oct 2014 Corinne Kahi
I am the book
you opened
but never started

I am the novel
you began reading
but never finished

I am the letter
you wrote
but never sent

I am the suitcase
you packed
but never took

I am the train ticket
you bought
but never used

I am the girl
you fell in love with
but never told

Love and time are two
relatively tied
concepts that you and I
are no longer
aligned with.*

Summer feels like
yesterday to me
(you see, I still
dream of you, as much
as I don't wish to),

and for you,
summer feels like a holiday
vacation that ended
a week too short
when the storm came early
and the clouds covered
up the sun, yet -

faintly, you remember
the warmth of the beach
and the familiar
touch of the water against
your feet/
faintly, you remember

and too often, I toss
against you
in my sleep - wrestling
with these memories.
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