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 Feb 3
Carlo C Gomez
The boys of summer.

Johnny once sat under the bleachers, the scar on his tongue, a reminder of the time he bit it after falling from a treehouse. A sack full of yesterday's news in a red wagon, the first and last clues.

Eugene ... the other kid who dropped out of sight on Sunday morning, now the evening edition; now a black spot on the sun.

Why the two-year gap?

Departures and landfalls. But no explanations.

Mom and Dad never comfortable peering into the camera lens. Big brother breathing out vapors until something sparks and all
the old questions came back.

A detective's paradox. No bone. No fragment. No evidence. In his home garage hangs a poster of Eugene to remind him every day.

-- for Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martin
 Jan 13
Bekah Halle
we are all missing pieces
of ourselves, cold,
and missing pieces
of the bigger story, untold.
how do we pay homage to these,
free them to unfold?
and welcome them,
 Sep 2021
Sarita Aditya Verma

Under the blue cloudless sky
White doves and pigeons
Flap wings and fly

Heritage domes, rustic brown
Stand clear of dust and sand
Glorious, withstanding every storm

Motor boats painted blue and green
Sharp the curvature, folded hands
Bow to the rising waters in the sea

Stillness of the silence
Clearly felt in the sound of the flapping wings
Broken leg, the bird could fly once
 Sep 2021
Imran Islam
I find you in the moon night
while you smile with the stars
I see you in the sunrise
whereas you bloom with the flowers.

I draw you in my eager eyes
on the ocean beach
and I get the surprise
when you look at me more than twice!

I follow your shadow
when you go for a morning walk
I gaze up to your window
whenever you remove the balk.

One day you will hear my heart
and let me know your answer
I am waiting for the happy day
when you'll take my request as a lover!
 Aug 2021
Sk Abdul Aziz
Unlearning something you have learnt or detaching yourself from something or some belief you have grown up with is one of the most challenging things in life. It takes both time and effort and a tremendous amount of willpower as well.
 Dec 2020
Seranaea Jones

i have decided to
meditate on

by filling a moment
of voids with -

no parks
no dogs to walk
no children out playing
no cars cruising dead end streets
no boats in a river that flows nowhere
no fishermen having fish to fill their boats
no livelihood, no fish on a plate, no plate
to place back on the shelf, no shelf
to fix upon the wall, no wall
to hang photos, no photos
to look at, no faces
to recall,


just so maybe i can
feel the Universe
pour itself

back into me...

s jones
Dec 2020

 Dec 2020
I fear my brittle heart cannot
bear another harsh winter

On a quiet night
when my soul departs,
do not suffer

Though I will be asleep for
the many winters to come

Tenderly, I shall
embrace thee in a dream
 Dec 2020
i would draw you
                               with a chapped charcoal ;the cheapest kind
i would paint you
                                with purple hair
                                          violet eyes
                                          green lips
                                          lavender teeth
                                          burgundy skin
                  hands outstretched in a beguiling teal
                  brows lifted in an audacious amber
                  with so much indigo behind you
(and i would smudge it all
until i see an explosion
of shades and hues and tones and lullabies)
(u asked me )
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