Under the thick dreadlocks of tangled forest trees,
gathering wind swirls with a desire uncontrollable
whispers wildly wicked things, intensely stimulating,
in to his ears, when she stood leaning over him, like a vine.
He had an impulse wrong to control this sudden whim,
not fully understanding where from the mind of the forest
it comes, though this yearning from the deep, is elysian,
he doubts, will this coiling up serpentine lust stifle love?
From head to toe, she was trembling like a leaf in wind,
and he thinks what's for her to fear, at this moment,
when he looks in to her burning dark eyes, a tremor
wakes up the dumb lover, he sees the reason of her sighs,
and involuntary rocking and grinding of *****, in rhythm.
They tumble on the grass, at that instant, rolling on he finds
himself riding a wave, that behaves as if it will decide the rest.
transformation from love's flight of fancy to the salacious explorations
is a moment often embarrassing to look back..