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Ayman Zain
Ayman Zain   Creator
25/M/Dubai    By daily dying, I have come to be. Copyright © Ayman Zain. All rights reserved.
calpurnia mockingbird
Cardiff    I work in mental health which is pretty stressful sometimes so my outpourings are my release. Please note that all works posted by me are …
PrttyBrd   Editor
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my …
SG Holter
SG Holter   Editor
Fenstad, Norway.    Norwegian. Construction worker at daytime. Poet, musician and artist at night. All poems are the original works and property of © S.G. Holter, unless otherwise …
hєαvєn cαrαwαч
σur вrσkєn hєαrts αnd twístєd mínds
Nonsense From My Noggin
Exandria    I don't claim to be good at this. I just thought I'd share. All of the nonsense posted below is my own.
RA   Member
I will be as I will be. All of my work is copyrighted, and sole intellectual property. Please credit if you share it. "You own …
Sia Jane   Member
United Kingdom    "Don't cover my eyes for my fears are trapped beneath my eyelids.. And for each fallen eyelash is a wish for greater freedom." © Sia …
Michael Amery
Michael Amery   Member
Vancouver    Pablo Neruda is king. I believe people should live life passionately. Poetry is a safe release of that passion. Twitter @mooretosayblog
Mrs Ashley Somebody
Mrs Ashley Somebody   Member
28/F/No longer wandering :)    Joined September 14, 2013. | Changed my meds and now I think I'm back to how I was before my writer's block—will I be writing …
Mubarak Zeinalabdin Mirghani
sharjah UAE    I am a doctor and I love to read and write poetry as well as I am intrested into getting to know you people
nominal   Member
23/F    And sometimes the monsters play these horrible games of inside my head; they often make me wish I were dead.
Jack   Member
San Antonio Texas    My poetry is like the wind, it changes directions constantly. I have learned so very much over the past several years which has broadened my …
Em or Finn
Em or Finn   Member
Non-binary/PA    I am 21, asexual, and only write poetry every once and a while. I'm mostly a dark poet, so beware! Hope you enjoy them! =^_^=
Haydn Swan
Haydn Swan   Member
Purgatory    Come take a walk, join me in my moonlit charade, shadows play, darkness sings, the curtain opens and the act begins ...
awallflower   Member
Hello. I would like to introduce myself but I am still in the process of figuring out who I am. I hope I will figure …
Eleanor Rigby
Eleanor Rigby   Member
I am a person with a messy drawer for a brain, a battlefield for a heart, and a blank sheet of paper for a life. …
Dev A
Dev A   Member
28/F/New Jersey    poetry is my way of speaking out and connecting to the world i write what i feel when i feel it...these are all my thoughts …
AW   Member
ryn   Member
🇸🇬    Wield them proud for they are your own. Words are yours to cast in stone. Unsheathe them with reason and rhyme. Reveal them so they …
LittleFreeBird   Member
"Cut my shadow from me. Free me from the torment[...] Why was I born among mirrors? The daylight revolves around me. And the night herself …
Lee Ann Tong-aan
Lee Ann Tong-aan   Member
22/Philippines    my pen & i loves to dance on papers
Jennifer Weiss
Jennifer Weiss   Member
Pax   Member
Philippines/ Jubail, KSA    Hi! I am back again here in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for work. © Pax 2013 - present...
Dagoth I Am
Dagoth I Am   Member
I am a musicain. I spend most of my time lost in my delusions of grandure. My writing is kind of all over the place, …
Sean Keane
Sean Keane   Member
Hicksville    I am a guy. I think, I daydream, and I write. I occasionally eat and sleep in between
Another Raisin in the Sun
I tend to write in the present tense and from the first persons' perspective. Long story short, not everything I write about is a personal …
Michael Humbert
Michael Humbert   Member
I write poetry to purge thoughts so that the dogs in my head won't bark quite so loudly. "It's only falling in love because you …
Cloey Olson
Cloey Olson   Member
Colorado    Keep looking up.
Traveler   Member
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Roger Turner - Poet
Roger Turner - Poet   Member
Writer in Actually, just someone who started writing for fun and enjoyment. I now have one book in three languages, and colouring book form. …
Shalene   Member
Wichita    I'd write about myself but my poems give you enough description.
Vanessa Gatley
Vanessa Gatley   Member
27/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
CapsLock   Member
D'Arcy Sahn
D'Arcy Sahn   Member
The Redneck Province    Coerced into joining. I suppose being able to rant intelligently and eloquently will come in handy later in life.
Cadence Musick
Cadence Musick   Member
Young girl, old heart. A melancholy mix in a world such as this.
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