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 Sep 2014
There's a nail,
he's set up camp in my brain.
Hammered with daylight,
held infuriatingly fast by night.
Even the stiffest claw
would be of no use,
not anymore.
His presence would herald slumber,
were I of a normal stock.
But no. He brings attention to
the tick. The tock.
If I inch him further,
with fervour,
maybe he will abdicate,
adjacent to his entry.
But I know he'll return,
pitching by the morn,
leaving my rest
He has no use for them now,
so he opened this shoppe.
The sign there says, "OPEN,"
but no soul dares stop.

Through the translucent windows
the townsfolk walk past.
On the dusty wood floors,
all their shadows are cast.

Lining stone walls
are the rusted old toys,
some all-telling relics
from a hopeful young boy.

The patrons just see
some tainted old junk,
in a shop being run
by some lonely old drunk.

No one buys what he sells,
so he silently cries;
A little boy hidden
behind those old, mist shrouded eyes.
Just a poem about my fear of growing old.  Wasted potential and alcoholism are common themes in my family. I don't want to end up like the rest.
 Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance
Her soul was clenched in the hands of distress
The feeble screams were reverberating in the dungeon
Not even the faintest light were allowed to entertain her
Till her soul regained the power to scream
Only her soulmate in distant land could hear it
As everyone was oblivious of her agony and suffering
Defying all odds, the soulmate reclaimed his Love*

© Amitav (Radiance)
 Sep 2014
Teetering: Left and Right
Moving forward - Fear and Fright
How courageous innocence can be,
How much of a visionary
A blind man can be.

Wobble this way
Up to the drunk mountain.
Where you can regain your humanity.
Separate from the race
Of rats.

I don't want who you think you are.
I don't want your title and car.
Truly, I just want what is inside your idea of you.
I want to remind you of what we can be.

When the sun is crescent curved around the earth beneath our feet.
And the dreaming stars come out to play,
I want to wish that you can join me
 Sep 2014
Amitav Radiance
There’s no holding back
A traveler who wants to explore
And eager to build bridges
Across the turbulent waters
Connecting the consciousness
Who waits eagerly
 Sep 2014
My little one
boils a kettle of emptiness
on her little toy stove.
Careful, I caution
don't burn yourself my dear.
She pours a cup of
carefully without spilling any.

Ah delicious! I fondly say
as I sip the emptiness.
This is a game I play with her
and isn't it creative how  
she taught me to savour
Some say, Empty vessels make the most noise.
I say, how can they? Aren't they full of emptiness.
 Sep 2014
Edward Coles
The street-side artist drew your body with
charcoal and claimed the best form of life came
after the forest fire, over a more
fertile land, when the ash-cloud will come to
unsettle your vision from what is laid out
before you. He shaded your ******* in with
his thumb over the blackened lines of hope
that you would come to envisage yourself
in the way each passer-by came to do.
Once you paid up and walked the promenade,
you came to the lighthouse in the distance
as a ship turned to change its course for you.
 Sep 2014
My eyes were open

you saw me,  told me I was beautiful
and you'd never stop admiring me

My arms were open

you held me,  so gently but so tight
and swore you'd never let me go

My mouth was open

you kissed it so beautifully hard
I lost my breath, and mind, over you

My heart was open

you loved it, caressed it, stole it
saying you'd treasure it always

My eyes are closed

they always are now
yet I still see visions of you

My arms are now closed

I hold myself together
until I decide to fall apart

My mouth is closed

the only words that can leave it
are 'I love you' but you're not here

My heart is closed,

I imagine, as I have not seen it
and I'm sure I never will again
 Sep 2014
SG Holter
A part of me needs to sleep
That never has.
The thought keeps the
Rest of me awake
At night,

A grown man reaching out for
Something to be weak against,

Something bigger than a teddy,
Smaller than a bear.
Something that knows, and has room.
That sees, and has patience,  

That whispers against
Some part of my softest, innermost;
That there are no needs for
Control on my part.
For now, I have

Only one responsability:
To breathe. Just breathe
Until all my senses withdraw
Into the comforting shell
Of covers, sheets

And a presence that knows
The language of Guardian,
And sings it to me
Until every shard and sliver
Of my being unfolds
Into relief.
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