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 Nov 2024
Mohd Arshad
You can't make
               the pigeon fly
                         If it doesn't unfold its wings
 Nov 2024
I love the flow, not the rush,
I cherish the spontaneous, not the forced.
I love the natural, not the imitation,
The gentle breeze, not the storm.

I adore a ripple’s soft caress,
Not the crash of towering waves.
I embrace tranquility—
I am peace.

I welcome what is meant for me
And release what is not.
 Oct 2024
Mohd Arshad
Reading newspaper doesn't enhance knowledge;
It rather creates negativity!
 Aug 2024
Mohd Arshad
The brother

Is the density of the leaves


Keep covering the twigs


The scorching heat
 Aug 2024
Mohd Arshad
You might be right,
But try to understand those too
Who say you are wrong,
And if u do so,
You are the most sensible and prudent person
 Aug 2024
Mohd Arshad
Good speakers create good listeners
 Aug 2024
Mohd Arshad
Independence is not the wings of a bird
It's the choice to open wings to fly
 Aug 2024
Jeremy Betts
I close my eyes to try to hide
Cloaked by the darkness I've kept inside
It's the only comfort I've been able to find
The only problem's the worst kind

 Aug 2024
Mohd Arshad
If you
can't give
a better idea

Remain silent

Because someone is very serious
                         to reach his destination
 Aug 2024
Sarah Mulqueen
Sometimes it's all to much
The pain won't go away

Sometimes I don't feel normal
Becoming socially ******* from hiding myself away

Sometimes the noise doesn't leave me for days

Sometimes it gets to easy to reach
For the quick fix that will take the pain away, to help me feel normal not constricted by insecurities, to dampen the noise of life to allow me a second to breath

But I don't want that life, I don't want to be tied to a crutch filled with shame and guilt to get me through each day.

Most times the quick fix will lead to bigger problems

Most times all I need is someone who understands me

Most times we're screaming, crying on the inside
Allowing our 'problems' to become us
Feeding it without realizing it's going to consume us

Most times we make a choice
To put ourself and life first, or to watch it slip away
Our 'problems' and worries sometimes get to much for us to carry anymore. We're not heard or supported often isolated or associating with the wrong crowd.
It can be hard to face the things that are ailing us. So falling into addiction is often the easy option, the short term feelings of peace are chased as they fade away quickly.
It can be hard to watch friends or family slip into addiction, and see it change who they are.
It's a taboo subject that is tearing society apart.
 Aug 2024
Thomas W Case
There is an
eternal winter
that lingers around
my heart.
It beckons with
icy music,
gray clouds, and
marches by Wagner.
Vultures, like ghastly
puppets picking at
my brain.

I drive it away with
sunflowers and walleyes,
fish fries and the gathering
together of friends and saints,
old soldiers that beat the odds,
and the neutered con game.
Leonard Cohen overcame,
and so did I.
Life was playing chess,
While I was playing
Well, baby, it's checkmate.

I didn't need lucky bamboo
or a four-leaf clover, I needed to
use the wisdom that God gave me.
I made some changes in my actions.
When I behaved differently, I found
serenity and a Winnie the Pooh and
Piglet sort of happiness.
I was drowning, so I grew gills and
swam away to a river that flowed
through the Million Acre Woods,
and now when I am on land,
I waltz down Love Street.
Check out my youtube channel where I read my poetry from my recently published book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on Amazon.
 Jul 2024
Mohd Arshad
Don't throw hate over me
Don't push my dreams into the sea
I do breathe like you
Though I'm black in hue

It's not my fault at all
I'm black at his call

Black is sapphire like me
Black is Jasper like me
Black is menalite like me
Black is granite like me
Black is rose like me
Black is gloss like me
Dont throw hate over me
Dont push my dreams into the sea

I wanna fly in the blue
Though I'm black in hue
O my bro it's not my fault at all
I'm black at his call

Let me fly in the blue
Let me sing like the cuckoo
Though I'm black in hue
Let me fly in the blue
Let me sing like the cuckoo
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