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Seek not to be the best
because thy technique is kept secret.
Rather, seek to be the best
by applying it howsoever is seen fit.

Seek but thy own technique.
It shall be the best for thee.

that means
being self-aware and creative.
that means
teaching thyself
at each and every opportunity.
temporary failure is inevitable,
but welcome such opportunities:
they are only what are made of them.

with perseverance,
what abundance may be found
forewent by others.

One who finds One's self
transcends much inner struggle,
and is free to be.

Learn, copy, study,
do whatsoever it takes;
just, please, say ye will
walk away from everything
with anything,
rather than
as something.

Read between the lines.

Seek to do so all the time,
because I think that One shall find
elusory, seductive peace of mind
awaits us all so patiently there.

Fear not
to dream on:
be thyself,
wheresoever it may take thee.

All else be naught shy of Cowardice, I daresay!
The Odds
of you, in particular,
existing at all
are of negligible significance
relative to
the relative fact
that you,
in particular,
do exist at all.
Wrote this in my little pocket journal while walking around town.
Today marks the beginning
my twenty-third year on this Earth.

Though a lot has changed,
a lot has stayed the same.

I'm grateful for this mortal experience.
I'm grateful for this dance of Death.
I'm grateful for this chance at Life.
April 22 is my birthday. I never really celebrate it, per se, but I like to honor the milestone.
It is quite possible
to learn much about the outside World
by not interfering;
though it can be by action
that much becomes clear
about one's Self:

be able to learn from the negative space:
it is most of what there is to experience.
Based on a write in my pocket notebook, writ with a calligraphy pen.
Why the **** is there
all this disdain for varied techniques?

So what if I like altered guitar tunings?
Sorry that all my guitars
are in D Standard or drop C.
Yes, even the ******* Classical guitar.
I never meant to inconvenience you,
your Eminent Prestige!

Maybe it's a problem
on thy knavish behalf
that you can't cope
with variation within the
Sacred realm of Art.

Don't ******* tell me
what to do or how to do it.
Don't ******* tell me
my approach to my Art is wrong.

Don't ******* crawl to me
when you want to learn how it's done
and I won't say I ******* told you so
when you confess your perspective lacks variety.

I will still teach you, though,
that is, if you will listen.
I will still teach you, though,
if, indeed, I can.

I will still teach you, though,
but only if you can teach me, too.
I will still learn from you
despite your rigid adherence to traditionalism.

I will still learn from you
if you don't ******* condescend me
about how I decide to do it
about how it feels most natural
about what I like or why;

just ******* deal with it
like a true Artist;
accept it and bask in it,
that everyone's technique
is unique.

be it not that very variation
that lends itself to the plethora of Art
that has been, could be, and will be made?

Be it not that very variation
that leads a school of thought
away from being so incestuous
that it kills itself off?

Be it not that very variation
which makes Democracy feasible?

If Art be neither
democratic or anarchic,
then I guess I'm no Artist.

Just ******* deal with it.
If you can't: then shut the **** up,
and let us, who can deal with it,
just ******* do it.
Sorry to be so profane,
I realize it limits my audience,
but I don't ******* care.

But, ultimately,
what is profanity
but whatsoever we decide?
Never allow anyone
to bring you to feel
as if your passions
are irrelevant;

who would seek
to make you feel
as if you don't deserve
what it is that you want most;

they are
thy enemies:
hostile to
thy life's work
hostile to
thy very dreams.

must move
beyond such atrophy,
painful though it may well be,

so it sure seems to me.
..and I have nary a thing to say, save for this:

who it is you know
in your heart that you are
and compromise the spark
which kindles your fire
for nary a Soul nor obstacle,
for, in this mortal Life,
there can be no greater Sin
than to let it all go to waste
just to soothe the pain within.

The Obstacles in Life
merely provide opportunities,
to which one can rise
or in spite of which one can fail.

though it may seem a losing battle,
there is e'er a way to prevail.

is the sound of optimism,
in the name of betterment:
is the cry of mortal Warriors,
battling 'pon this battleground
rife with Life's adversity.

To the victor,
the spoils.
To the defeated,
what they deserve.

though it may sound,
truly what you get
is relative
to your chosen
perspective, attention and intention.

If you intend
to lose the battle,
it is already lost.

If you intend
to be victorious,
nary a thing
shall stand in your way
for very long.

Heed this, please:
I speak in mythic words,
metaphor, symbology:
battle not Others
for selfish gain
or in the name of demagoguery,

battle constructively
within your Self,
that you may harden
your resolve
and become truer
to your true Self.

In such a way can you transcend this mortal World.
In such a way can you be happy and free of it's tyranny.
In such a way have others pointed to Enlightenment.
In such a way be Heaven and Hell creations of our Selves.
Not really much to say
but what I feel neen't be said,
though it seems so obvious to me I opt to share it
in hopes
it falls not
on blind eyes
deaf ears
and numb minds.
to everyone you can,
but, in the end,
make up your own mind.
Given my very own
matrices of philosophy
'pon the very topic of Authority,
why should it be
for me to claim
to have an inkling
of understanding
as to how it is
that my Dog, perchance,
may feel?

I am sure,
were I in her situation,
and indeed I could,
I would be thinking:

"I find myself disinclined to obey thee,
for, if thou art in such need of a leash,
then, likely, ye don't deserve me
to be thy loyal follower.

Though, Food-man,
were thee to lend me thy trust,
were thee to unleash me,
I may begin to respect thee
and therefore
lend thee some justified Authority
and thereby
may my loyal Allegiance be with thee."

Such teachers can animal companions be,
if only we are to allow ourselves to learn.
Inspired on a walk with my adorable dog Daphne. If only I trusted her more! She doth loath that leash.
Given my very own
matrices of philosophy
'pon the very topic of Authority,
why should it be
for me to claim
to have an inkling
of understanding
as to how it is
that my Dog, perchance,
may feel?

I am sure,
were I in her situation,
and indeed I could,
I would be thinking:

"I find myself disinclined to obey thee,
for, if thou art in such need of a leash,
then, likely, ye don't deserve me
to be thy loyal follower.

Though, Food-man,
were thee to lend me thy trust,
were thee to unleash me,
I may begin to respect thee
and therefore
lend thee some justified Authority
and thereby
may my loyal Allegiance be with thee."

Such teachers can animal companions be,
if only we are to allow ourselves to learn.
Inspired on a walk with my adorable dog Daphne. If only I trusted her more! She doth loath that leash.
Why must Mens' pants and Womens' pants be separate categories?
Why can't pants be unisex?
What the **** is this obsession with gender roles?

I can understand cuts of fabric being different measurements due to ****** dimorphism, but still, this is ridiculous.

Women get the best fabric patterns, the best stylism and the widest selection.
As a male who digs on style, I find this sexist.
Anyone who disses you for your style
is merely too ashamed of themselves
to allow their own style to shine through.

If it makes you happy
and it doesn't hurt others,
then do it without shame,
for it is only because others have done the same
that any established style exists at all.
It is all but too possible
for One to learn so much
about One's very own Self
via observation of others.
Everyone is different, and that is okay.
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