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 Oct 2014
Why if so many people go through the same thing
Are we all alone

Why if so many people feel the same pain
Do we stay at home

Why if so many people feel incapable of moving
Is there not a cure

Why does this melancholy I feel
constantly disable me to heal

I get up and out
And try a new route
Only to find myself going in circles

Same pain
No gain
The mystery remains

Why we all  struggle with these emotional hurdles
 Oct 2014
As the pain begins to fade
The words begin to stray

Was this a temporary fix?
to quell what has left me betwixt

The ache and anguish of a 'love' lost
Enabled me linguistically at a high cost

A price which I shall never again pay
I have learned to hold my heart at bay

I shall learn the lines of happier times
And leave the pain to it's demise

For I am the owner of my words
Not a sheep that follows amongst the herds
i am alone
falling to pieces
no one to catch me when i fall
no one to see me as i am
no one to be there for me
no one to ask if i was okay
my actions judged
my thoughts confused
i stand on my own two feet
with more baggage then is needed
ready to fall
emotionally unstable
a girl who loves
a girl who feels
a girl with emotions
never understood
what good is that?
when you have no one
broken and used up
sad and frustrated
crying on the inside
no one can see
no one wants to
she has her head up high
but she's still dying
ignoring it
and pushing people away
it's all she's good at
safer, more secure
she wants to fly
to go away
far far away
to a better place
a place of peace
i am alone
forever and always
 Oct 2014
Blake Rogers
It's him again. The reason why.
I start anew, my pen has pride
It's him again. The reason why.
My pages are blank and full at the same time
It's him again. The reason why.
My joyful laugh, my sorrowful cry
It's him again. The reason why.
Days where I just can't get by
It's him again. The reason why.
I've cried so much, my eyes are dry
It's him again. The reason why.
Can't bring myself to say goodbye
It's him again. The reason why.
 Oct 2014

I’m imprisoned by your love,
I hope I’m never released
 Oct 2014
jorge padre
he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
he counted them like flower petals
with "she loves me"
and "she loves me not"
throwing them afterwards
to the street below.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
he counted them like flower petals
but he inhaled the smoke
of the burning petals
and she filled his lungs
and lingered there
for what felt like years.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
keeping in mind the seconds
he lost with each stick
he banged his head
against his fist
and cried apologetically.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
but, today,
he thought he should stop
but he couldn't help it
it was the only thing left
that reminded him of her -
her nicotine lips
and her warm glow.

he started counting cigarettes
the way he did every other night
he tried to count the times
he said he'd forget
or he said he'd move on
he took another drag,
flicked it to the air,
and said,
"that's it for today."
 Oct 2014
WendyStarry Eyes
Today is the day I pray
Yesterday my brain drifted away
Thank you Father for loving me even when I lose my way.
 Oct 2014

Fall glides in on the wings
of migrating monarchs,
stained glass visions seeking respite
from a tedious journey
signaling a change in our surroundings

Blushing, the complexion of October
slips from swimsuit informalities
to fawn layered outfits of earth tone lace
Singing of cool breeze melodies
on chrysanthemum dance steps

Sweetly autumn reaches,
filling every part of my heart,
collecting at my feet like fallen leaves
Swirling about me on winds of fleece lined affection
tickling fancies and coaxing smiles

Maple syrup hues cling to pumpkin seed desires,
painting pathways in tinted curves,
outlined in kaleidoscope siftings,
champagne ribbons winding
to stroll with the one you adore

Fireside encounters
warm of passion’s enduring flame
a’ glow on shade drawn windows
and pine needle temptations,
floating of chilled evening whispers

Wrapped in my arms, hot cider dreams
gather amidst comforting aromas,
weaving scented shadows neath wool blanket motions
and as the season changes, so do I…
*I fall more in love with you
 Oct 2014
Sally A Bayan
The life we live each day is a spiritual journey;
we find our places, we sit,
then we sail meditatively
on waters where the past and present play.
a chance to reflect on what to think, what to do,
a place where raging thoughts are purified,
all worries and fears are washed away.
soothing words gently rise and fall
with the waves that fill the sea,
thoughts that dwell in the steerer's mind,
a message he conveys to us, his passengers,
like a wind blowing, caressing our unsettled hearts
as crystal waters, calm and still us deep within.

At journey's end, we rise and leave the vessel, enlightened.
with endless thanksgiving, we gift our captain,
a Soul Whisperer,
his name is
Amitav Radiance.



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Amitav, this is just a dot, a brief way of saying  how your gentle words can calm a restless soul...***
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