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 Mar 2016
SG Holter
An Ode to the Sun

The Mark of Cain upon my every
Detail as I gaze across
The plains, and in the pain beneath
The snow I know the spring

That was -but died again- is waiting
Still, until the winter loses will
To stay, and eases grip to let the
Little things come out and play.

The Mark of Cain, the Curse of Cold,
This winter's getting far too old,
And frozen things all long for heat;  
To feel that heart above them beat.

But see, the clouds are parting now,
The Heart of Sky is high, and how
Its beams, it seems, are rays of gold;
A force to melt, and even scold

That old, tenacious ghost of white
And chase it off into a night that has
Been dark as Death for months,
But now is light with Life for once.

The Mark of Cain I shed like skin,
I too have leaves that rest within.  
Spring, so faint a sigh, now calls:   
Heart of Sky, I feel thy pulse!
 Mar 2016
Ami Shae
The pain that came crashing down
landing on top of me this day
was one that I cannot fathom
ever going away.

It hurts.

Hearts shatter
does it even matter?

It hurts.

Pain lives on
Will it ever be done?

It hurts.

My voice breaks with tears
when I look back
to see the wasted years.

It hurts.

And still, like a warrior
my heart struggles
to move on.

But still...

It hurts.
Wondering if yesterday's pain will ever let go of my heart ? ? ?
 Mar 2016
Your silence had me running
Fearing I may find an abandoned apartment when I reached your address.
Flashing images of our nights in your kitchen,
Our passionate moments on your counters and against your furnishings,
Our bare feet caressing each other,
Our ideas floating through the air,
Your hands holding me so tight,
The way you love to make me laugh and play your little games with my mind like children,
Your playful touch across my skin,
Your eyes as you watch me gaze off into that place that I often visit in my mind. But I still see you....
I was afraid to find you gone

I reached your doorstep
My hair drenched from the rain
My breath heavy
My nose wet and cold,
Hands shaking, finding the most difficulty knocking on your door
Which sounded more like pounding...
Hardly moments went by and you opened.
I leaped into your arms and wept
You stood there, warm as I had ever felt,
Stronger than I ever realized I admired so much
You asked about my troubles and I could not speak...
I had so much courage to run here and beg you to stay,
Convince you that I need you with me,
I thought of scenarios to try and make you believe that leaving would be the worst mistake...
But now that I face you, I am weak. I am voiceless.
I crave to never let you go and tell you how much I want you here, but I can't.
I know that you leaving means a better life for yourself
And that holding you back would be the most selfish act,
And that you would never forgive me for it.
But most of all, I fear that if I confessed all of my troubled mind to you- you would still decide to leave. And in facing that, I may just come apart and never recover.
 Mar 2016
"It hurt," she said through confused tears.
I didn't know I had opened a hidden fear.
By me saying that the scars didn't bother me,
There was something further that she didn't see.
It bothered me so much that she went to a knife for comfort, while I was so near. It bothered me that she told me her struggles, only after she shed tears. It bothered me that she felt so alone. But it didn't **** me. I won't let it. Because I know that there is not scar that can't be healed by the right hand. There is no wound that can't be sewn shut with the right care. And I know that there is nothing she alone should have to bear. For I am, and will always be right here.
 Mar 2016
SG Holter
Infatuation. Deep devotion.
Skin on skin, fingers on lips
Find teeth, find tongue.
Scent of perfumed lotion,

Whisper woman, cry more,
Hands refusing to untangle
Hands on neck, but not to strangle
More than just a little.

Infatuation. Deep devotion.
Nails in skin. Mouth to shoulder.
An emotional explosion in
Slow motion.
 Mar 2016
The Dedpoet
My Mother was killed, along with
A cousin, many friends like brothers.
Twisters of death's erosion
Scooped me up and led me on
The path of vengeful living.
I had to make something from all the
Death, a pile of flesh staring out
At the quarter moon, so
Unknown that many
took me as orphaned.
     Yes, me, Dedpoet, bearer of words
     Once was lost in the fire's reign.
     I would walk in the rain catching
     My mother's tears for her lost child,
    Hoping to catch the light and be
     Taken into skies hopeful greys.
I became a rock that heads were
Decapitated upon, the house of regret
Stirring the animal inside to prey
Upon that which preyed on me.
Deep inside wept a little boy poet:

      Fallen in the abyss,
      Mother's golden light,
      So far into the unreachable sky...

I was told that if I didn't straighten out
I would be in a cage with no words,
But the words welled from deep springs
Of pain that could be written on
A window using the vapor on my breath.
I danced the pale moonlit nocturnal,
I breathed the night, the point of a gun
With indecisive fingers.
I was thruster into my own war,
Living already in a warzone,
I was the the living shadow of
A Nightingale bathing under darkened
Splendors of city lights and barely there stars.
In the day, the gardens of vengeance
Were planted with fresh seeds,
I was the bloodlust of the West.
The sunlight bathed my heated words,
All the while I fell in deep love,
A collision of an unstoppable desire
With an immovable lust, we engraved
The names of lovers with a scorching pen,
A hopeful poet came alive and the words
Beckoned the Heavens attention....
         Little boy, little boy,
         Close your eyes
         Upon the thorns,
         Life never stops piercing.

The days became a hopeful cloud,
The nights were countless,
Splintered into a thousand moons,
The words of vengeful allusions
Fought alongside the love for Her.
Lucky the Raven, nevermore,
I still must be here to remember,
Lucky the dog whom bit his owner,
Homeless now but free!
Lucky the life that dies young,
Never to look back,
Like water at the foot of the mountain,
Here the river begins.

     I am alone, the years fall like grains
     In the hourglass, I have shed many skins,
    I see the losses and the dead fallen
     From uncertain graces,
     What had vengeance reaped?
     I wait for you all in the other side,
     The words I leave will take you there,
     The last place of the little boy,
     He will real the stars and bathe in the
     Sun with a Mother he lost so long ago.
     He will kiss his lover and the twister
     Grows calm, the love will cure the deepest
     Affliction, he will die in her embrace,
     Born again in her kiss, he leaves the gun
     At the foot of the Word, and the words
    Gush from his body from a nocturnal sorrow,
    And immortalised pain will reign here,
    The cycle of life is an embrace of tears,
     Love the enscription on every one shed.

Upon my tombstone
Is the covenant of poetry,
The escape like water
between the fingers,
The distance between
Now and then is but a pen stroke.
My Story.
 Mar 2016
Ami Shae
Walked along a dusty dirt road
hoping to find a place
where I could just unload
this heavy burden of grief
that weighs down on me
and before long
I found myself
perched under a huge shade tree--
the wind blew strong
tossing the branches and leaves about
and I kept hoping somehow
this tree so huge and stout
would look inside of me
and somehow help
to just set me free.

Trees know far more
than we humans do, you know--
so often trees stand tall and proud
and continue to leaf out and grow
while we humans stupidly
continue to destroy and wreck the land
and all the while the trees
just keep standing so proud and grand
--so is it any wonder that I dare
to hope this huge tree will help
that it will somehow care
about all the burdens I carry now?
I suppose it's too much to ask
of this sacred gift of nature right now...
I truly love and respect trees...
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