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 Jul 2019
Leocardo Reis
She looms large;
Takes charge;
Lives fast;
Thinks last.

She feels sick;
Acts worse
Dies first.
 Jul 2019
Ryan O'Leary

In French it means


Because Macron
opposes Madura.

Yet we all know,
Le Pen is the rightful
President of La France.
 Jul 2019
Ryan O'Leary
Ban Whispering.
 Jul 2019
You will follow this structure
It will be built this way
It needs to continue
Getting smaller
and smaller
But when
it's all

Just watch all of it's beauty fall to the floor.
Dedicated to Shlomo.
 Jul 2019
It’s 30minutes past nine
I’m lonely just with my pen
It feels like I have lost all love but not my bottle of wine
Looking for the clues just that sign
Searching for a lady and the one next in line

Not someone I can take to a church but one I can take to a shrine
Some Juliet someone I can call all mine
A love so divine

I swear I have not a dime
Just a heart and a whole lot of time
A love genius I need , one to unravel the mysteries of my heart
I mean I need a female Einstein
Where is my missing half, my back bone,my breathing spine

A perfect imperfection
A wrongful right just combine
One to love whether rain or shine
In one’s arms I can loose all my senses and still be fine
Not one who in a short run would leave me with the message “I resign”
Tear my heart into pieces and  make my little joy decline

I need a Valentine
Who is gonna clean the stain of hurt
With some sweet kisses
What I call a love turpentine
So the question is who is gonna be my Valentine
Yes Who is gonna be my Valentine?
It’s been awhile since I found love. Need that Miss right.
 Jul 2019
Jack Shannon
Not that he was light on his feet before,
But Twinkle doesn’t dance anymore.
He doesn’t talk a lot, and when he does
It’s jumbled and mumbled, we make a fuss
Trying to understand just what he means
Up/down, left/right, yes/no, joggers/jeans
When once he’d clear a buffet in a blink
He won’t eat his lunch, let alone drink.
He made mowing look easy, I struggle
And instead of him I’m the one the dog cuddles.
As wobbly as me on ten pints or more
Inevitably we’d both end on the floor
Always clean shaven has turned awry
With a full blown beard it’s another guy
Sat watching the same **** telly
New fancy chair and slightly smaller belly.
Twinkle gets grumpy when there’s a  cannula to insert,
Doesn’t trust the nurse when she said it wouldn’t hurt.
Breathing was easy for Twinkle last year
But not so now, it’s why we’re here
Waiting for a bed in a place where there’s plenty,
The problem is that none of them are empty.
Doctors a-plenty and many nurses too,
The only thing lacking is something to do.
In Game of Thrones jammies he sits in his chair,
He says he’s hot rather be in underwear
Or anywhere I think, just not on this ward
As everyone here is terminally bored.
A poem I wrote whilst visiting my Step-Dad in hospital, thinking about how his illness had effected my life and his.
 Jul 2019
Em MacKenzie
Noun: a secret plan by a group
to do something unlawful and harmful.
Verb: the action of plotting or conspiring.

Conspiracy theorists,
are actually theorists of conspiracy,
while those in charge conspire.
While it’s easy to shrug off
and dismiss as “crazy,”
if you do the research
and dig down the rabbit hole,
you might start to question things
as well.

Take neither the red or blue pill,
as the pharmaceutical companies
will profit more from slow treatment,
or placebo effect, than they ever would from curing you once.
But open your eyes, and squint
to see, truly see, the world around you.

Why budget more into a military
than a healthcare or education system,
if you don’t intend to profit from it?
Industrial Military War Complex
is a real term and it’s definition
is dollar signs and blood.
The government is no longer politicians, but investors.

Sure some of us get a bad rap,
and we’re grouped in with the
eccentric or uneducated,
or just flat out theatrical.
But we’re the believers.
The ones who know that a society
is not just a structure, it’s a well
oiled, well designed machine
to keep the bottom on the bottom
and the top on the top.

I can’t say for sure that the Queen is a lizard,
and I’m pretty certain the world is
not flat,
but can any of us truly know?
Besides the Queen and those lucky few who travel to space...
how do you know for sure?
Even astronauts can be put into
a stasis, placed inside a simulation
and not know of it.
They would think they’re floating
in a satellite above our planet,
up until someone broke the
airlock, and they weren’t killed.

You see what I did there?
I took it too far.
And that’s what gets us the reputation of being crazy.
Would it be too crazy to believe,
those who take it a touch too far
are government plants to provide
an illusion of insanity
and discredit us completely?
You’ve heard of crisis actors,
but are their theorist actors?

Just know that the American government and CIA did once
(that we know of)
mull over the possibility of a False Flag Operation,
but on paperwork they rejected it.
The fact that the idea of attacking your own citizens to justify invasions of other countries
and create warfare was even on the table,
are the things that keep me on edge.
And should keep you on edge too.

I could go on forever about the
inconsistencies in testimonials,
footage, and Warren Commission Reports.
About common sense and intuition,
cold hard facts and brutal realities.
But, it’s not my job to pop balloons of blissful ignorance,
and those who don’t wish to see
the truth will forever stare at a counterfeit world telling themselves
it’s the real deal.

Anarchy would never work,
and communism could never be fair.
But democracy is made up of
well known names and popular
faces, of occasionally publicly approved personalities,
who are in turn overcome with
greed and then bought out and controlled by corporations and the big banks we entrust our salaries to.
They have our money, but not our
best interest at heart.
It’s like paying for a therapist
who will disregard everything you say, and then tell you to get back in line.

If someone aspires to have a position where they mediate and alter a group of people’s structure,
don’t you think they might have a power issue?
That if money makes the world go ‘round,
we’re all just numbers and barcodes?
And that maybe, it’s just safer for
those who make the world turn
to tell us what we want to hear
while showing us images of how
much worse it could be?
Just throwing down some knowledge. HP is even having trouble letting me post this........conspiracy?
 Jul 2019
Ernie Rodrigues
Like iridescent moonbeams on a sea of midnight blue,
The stars above bedazzle me but not so much as you.
My darkest days you've brightened,
My cold nights you've made warm.
You ended all my loneliness,
Like sunshine ends a storm.
Come take my hand and stand with me,
I want the world to see,
The beauty of the one I'll love,
Through all eternity
 Jul 2019
Ryan O'Leary
The Crows had a meeting
on the wires this morning.

Their collective cawing was
remnant of Westminster.

Corbyn [Old French] Corbeau,
was getting it in the ear.

Bercrow, as per usual, in
the centre, eying the right.

May, the crow, never picks
their stack, but regardless,

She was about to go and
pluck someone.

Things were beginning to
look blacker and bleaker.

The Rooster Crowed, not
your call, she said,

Shut the **** up MaCrown,
crow'king's what frogs do best.

Crow'n quarto intervened,
just before dawn chorus.

Crow'd fondling #MeToo
Union Jack-Daw is guilty.

Off with his wings, to the

And away they all went,
back to their Crookery.
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