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 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
Being good is always better,
And being better is really excellent,
Excellence be your dreamful  destination!
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 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
Being good is always better,
And being better is really excellent,
Excellence be your dreamful  destination!
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 Dec 2014
rained-on parade
(of broken hearts)

I keep saying that I was alright.
But then everytime I met someone who liked me I
would feel ruined.

Like the tunnels of my throat
has your signal lost
and the anatomy of my heart a hot ****** mess.
Its mixing up the hush from my lungs into my veins
me of how I couldn't talk you down.
I should just quit writing.
 Dec 2014
Michael Humbert
appreciation (n): a bitterness tasted in retrospect
 Dec 2014
Michael Humbert
absence (n.): that hole in your chest you ignore every day, the one that doctors just sadly shake their head at
 Dec 2014
A Styrofoam box to hold my pain
To keep it safe above the water
To hold all the roles I've ever lived
Be it wife or be it daughter

Floating safe upon the surface
Mirror smooth or rapids white
It carries all the hurt and struggle
It hides my truth and holds on tight

The world can see the love and laughter
The spackled mask that faces all
The one with saccharine filled open fissures
Hiding a broken little girl

For in this body of a woman
Every gentleman's sinful lust
Is a fragile shell of being
A soul, if touched, would turn to dust

Drowning in a world of wonder
Losing sight of who I am
Safe from harm or dissolution
Floats the proof that I'm a sham
 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
Opportunities are  butterflies;
You need both good efforts and passion to catch them!
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 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
If  a single small stone hurt your feet;
keep in mind this is the time to prove your greatness!
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 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
In my dream
Came Shakespeare and spoke;
.                    write not tragedies,
For life needs fun to be more tragic!
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 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
Gratitude is a shimmering star;
Make it shine on your lips to charm all.
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 Dec 2014
Mohd Arshad
Gratitude is a shimmering star;
Make it shine on your lips to charm all.
Notes (optional)
 Dec 2014
Brendan Thomas
Dear love , my moon
Unreachable star
Far from my grasp
seems to be where you are

Distance and time
Have no meaning when we're here
Alone in our heaven
I wipe away your tears

Away from this world
In our world together
We float hand in hand
Adrift here together

What shall become of us
If only we could know
The night is our secret
Till the suns rise calls us home

Oh world why, do you keep us apart?
Do you not know
What we feel in our hearts

Two hearts together
Beating as one
Neither will stop
'Till the other is done

The fates have a plan
Of that I am sure
What else could it be
For two hearts kept so pure

So sleep well my love
'Till the morn breaks the spell
And we wake not together
Alone in that Hell

But be not detered
For the night closes fast
And we'll be once more together
Together at last
 Dec 2014
You like it, don't you? You hate yourself and you love that about you, you love your brooding pain, the way you can't say your own name without choking. You love to see how close to the bottom you can get before you start gasping for air, you want to swallow salt water, let it fill your lungs like tar, you want them to miss you, want them to feel guilty, want him to love your pain as much as you do, want him to appreciate how well you can destroy things, want his vision to be distorted by the scars on your wrists, want him to kiss them, want him to feed your pain. You want troubled girl meets nice boy, want him to try to save her, want her to die anyways, want him to be troubled boy to meet nice girl, want her to try to save him, want him to die anyways, want to start a cycle, want the world to resonate with the aching hollowness of your last words, want everyone to know how much you're hurting, how strong you are for still being here, for still fighting, but you're not fighting, are you? You gave up a long time ago and aside from the adrenaline attacks of optimism you are weak, but they will never know this, they cannot know this, they have to believe that you're an inspiration, that you fought as hard as you could but it wasn't enough, that you never gave in, that your dying breath was a whisper of purity, that you are a godsend, an idol to be worshipped, you are the messiah. You are so brave.
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