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 Aug 2015
Jake muler
So OK just found out school said I can stay at their university yet they are adding thousand more in debt to me. Sounds like a sham you can stay with us but we will ***** you more because we like money ,makes no sense
 Aug 2015
Sumina Thapaliya
Thousands of dreams
Thousands of thoughts
Its just a time to blow

Thousands of signs
Thousands of shows
Its just a time to throw

Thousands of hopes
Thousands of wants
Its just a time to slow
 Aug 2015
Words blur
Eyes burn
Thoughts implode
Melting under molten memories
The day I stopped being Her
Nothing has changed for me
Nothing is the same for you

Waiting to be told how much less I will ever be.

But my forever rings true.
Never again to share to the depths of myself
For it was spied once and I became mortal
Dying more with each breath
Tortured worse by each moment
Knowing I am just another girl
And you are the best part of who I am
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Just wanna say sorry to all mine follower's for not being able to read your work as much as I'd like to!!!  dealing with alot of physical health issues right now so pray you can forgive me, and hoping can read more of your stuff and writing's soon.. Love and miss all of you, please continue writing amazing heaven's. And don't forget, to help your fellow poet out and the unknown poet's who need a good boost... And continue to show love to another poet as you all do... Love you all as the amazing people and poets you are... and thank you all alot for supporting me and helping motivate me in mine writing, especially a big thank you to you earl Jane nagley, for all your love happiness and heaven and joy you have brought me, I'm soo glad I finally got what I've been waiting for soo long now, before mine birth, you mine amour', mine queen and soulmate and best friend all in one, EARL JANE NAGLEY!!!! I LOVE YOU MORE QUEEN!!!!! And for the rest of you thank you for all you do for me and supporting me soo much... You are all extremely amazing soul's alot... Soo know you all have worth and a purpose in this life... As our main purpose is to love another, and you can do that by helping a fellow poet on here when their down and depressed or sick, as mine queen Jane has more than done for me, and all of you have done by supporting me.... Thanks and will read your stuff more soon I pray....
Love your friend brandon Cory nagley...
 Aug 2015
b for short
I chose to draw you,
pressing hard, etched into paper—
so hard, my hand panged with aches
from the pressure.
Thick, bold lines which accented
those curious eyes
and long, wide strokes for
such smooth dark skin.
My representation so detailed,
I could almost feel you there
on the page.
Anyone could see—
there was love in those contours,
and hope in those highlights;
a pitied soul captured between hand and eye.
You were some version of the
******* Mona Lisa,
belonging to no one and everyone
all at once.
My furiously hated favorite,
hanging high and unfinished
for the world to see.

Understand me when I say
I had to press just as hard to erase
every inch of it.
With swollen knuckles
and blistered palms,
I didn’t blink until it was gone.
I refused to exhale until
there wasn’t anything left
except a few piles of dust
and a faint outline
of a subject that craved
but couldn’t stand
to be the object
of anyone’s admiration.
© Bitsy Sanders, August 2015
 Aug 2015
b for short
When I was a little girl, I occasionally loved to wear dresses. Not because they made me feel pretty, or because that’s what the damning norms of society taught me I should wear—I wore them because I loved how it felt when I would spin myself around. I’d scuff my Mary Janes, litter my tights with runs, and twirl around until my balance ran out and my little knees met the ground. No scrape or brush burn kept me from the thrill of that momentum, smiling wide as the material rose up to meet my fingers while I flew around in haphazard circles. I’d watch the colors of this huge, painted world blend and blur together, amused that, for a moment, I was out of my own control.

Eventually, much to my dismay, I grew up in nearly all of the ways a little girl can.

I realize, as an adult, that it’s important to harbor the mindset that we should regret nothing. After all, every experience typically gifts us with a little wisdom nugget, right? We collect them and look back fondly on the good and the bad, carrying our souvenirs with us as we move forward. Well, I have the nuggets (heh), but I can’t help but feel some regret as to how I came about retrieving them. Recently, there have been so many instances where I want to hop in the Doc’s Delorean, go back in time, grab the hands of little me, and spin ourselves into oblivion. We crash in the grass, eyes closed, world still spinning. In the midst of giggles and grins, we lay on our backs, watching the clouds come back into focus. I turn my head and look at her, fully prepared to tell her everything she needs to know to protect herself from all of the hurt and pain I know she’ll come to endure in the next couple of decades. I want so badly to save her from it all, but before I can speak, she does.

“Don’t worry, I can see it,” she looks at me, warmly.

“See what?” I ask, catching my breath.

“I can see all of the cracks in you.”

I don’t have the words for her, as she searches my face. She traces the outlines of my cheeks, somehow still as round and rosy as her own. Her eyes are my eyes; a bewildering gray green—unchanged, even after all of these years. In that moment, I realize that I’ve forgotten just how young I actually am.

“You don’t have to tell me about them. I know they’ll be mine someday.” She smiles and turns her eyes to the sky.

I’m in awe of this child—her understanding and intuitive nature. It left me perplexed.

“You already know what I’m going to tell you?” For a brief second, I relived the heartache, the fear, and the anger—and I wondered if she understood, I mean, truly understood what she was saying. “But if you know, then how can you be smiling?”

She turns back to me, lips curved sheepishly into a grin—an expression we had come to perfect. “Because where you’re cracked is the prettiest part of you. You fill them with gold and silver and all the rest of the glittery colors. They’re not empty—just spaces replaced with things that mean more to you than what was there before.”

I imagined this—a map of myself, sporadic damage branching out in all directions, repaired in technicolor brightness, more eye-catching than ever. I fell in love with the thought of my tattered soul, patchworked into something my heart could use to keep warm.

I kissed her, lightly, on her little forehead—a thank you for the words I still didn’t have, and hugged her tight.

“You should get back now,” she said, still grinning, “you don’t want to miss it.”

I don’t know what she meant by that exactly, but I had this unmistakably good feeling that she was on to something.
©Bitsy Sanders, August 2015

I realize this is not what we'd call a "poem" but rather poetic prose. Either way, it had to get out. Thanks for your understanding.
 Aug 2015
Jake muler
One of those smash your head in glass days
I just don't wanna bleed I'm scared of blood
 Aug 2015
Mohd Arshad
In the modern battle of competition,
Knowledge is your very sharp weapon!
Notes (optional)
 Aug 2015
oh Lord, i've searched for so long
i can't find no inner peace
i am trying my best to be strong
the same fight and the same beast

oh Lord, i am losing the fight
i have fallen to my knees
tell me that it will be alright
oh Lord help me please

oh Lord, can you hear me pray?
can't we reach some compromise?
i'll do my best to do good every day
you bring hope back to my eyes
 Aug 2015
Cailey Weaver
It's the hardest thing to catch
Even when the light is gone
And no sound can be heard

The bugs chirp out the window
As you sink into your bed
And rethink the day
From sunrise to sunset

It runs away
It runs away

You reach for it
Every conversation replays itself
The voices blur inside your head

Your troubles scream your name
Chasing away every dream
Just past your fingertips
Gone as the day

It runs away
It runs away

Your eyes are wide open
Sweat pours down your face
Every insecurity, every fear

You wonder what the day will bring
But long for blissful rest
The demons keep you captive
As it runs away

It runs away

It's the hardest thing to catch
What slips through every darkness
It leaves you there to tremble

And that which runs from light
Blooms in the dark.
And you are left to face
All alone
With what finds you in the night.
 Aug 2015
brandon nagley
Mankind seemeth to forget
The judgement that he shalt mete
In this life;
Shalt be allocated ten fold
The next.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mete means dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment.
 Aug 2015
Jake muler
School expects me to shell out what?

Fifty grand in what?

Three years tops!

Guess I won't pay
Guess I'll see the financial cops.
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