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 May 2018
It is a field
of cubicles,
rectangle walls
that rise
chin high
on either side,
in a rainforest of
of random plants.
 Oct 2017
I'm just a fool to stay
To stay with one like you
Like you who broke my heart
My heart which beats for you
 Aug 2017
Geraldine brennen
I feel fat!
        I shouldn't have eaten that chocolate bar...
         So... that's that!
        What's that expression?
        A moment on the lips
        A lifetime on the hips
        Who cares it was yummy!
         And I couldn't give a ****!...
 Jul 2017
Let god into you're heart they say and put you're faith in him, but what they don't know is that I'm a demon and the devil's already in.
Enoch, Just for fun
 Jul 2017
you and i
we'll move on
and forget all of this.

and maybe we'll even
find whatever it was that
we were looking for elsewhere.

and perhaps
we'll understand
why it ended the way it did.

but what we had
was precious and it'll
always exist somewhere.

in dying leaves and
the silences we shared
and maybe, the moon too.
 Jul 2017
Madness, repeating expecting different results,
Ever hungry, never full my mind it catapults
Pull yourself together, another person you’re creating
Hell’s the only option, and you know the devils waiting
Euphoria is top shelf but I know I’ll pay the price
Draining all my quirky traits like water into rice
Rescue isn’t optional my best hope is to pray, that
One day I’ll be gone for good, my soul faded away
Never underestimate the power of yesterday
Endorphin's cruise my vessels now but how long will they stay?
This poem is acrostic; reading the left hand side will give some a hint as to what on earth I'm talking about
 Jun 2017
Let us take a moment
And break this down
If you don't believe  
In global warming
By now
You're probably not
Going to come round

But perhaps
We could take a step back
To when pollution was indeed
A matter of fact
Such as
The black factory smoke
And runoff waste
That fills our water ways
Coal soot that fills our lungs and skies
Sewage that fills our bays

Poisonous smog
Settling over our industrial cities
Toxic chemicals giving birth
Have you no empathy nor pity
"As our"
Emissions are ever choking
Scorching the earth

Can we start over
Sure it's no big deal
Can we at least agree
That pollution is real?
Traveler Tim
 Jun 2017
It is a writer’s rage
that inks and turns
each bright white page
into a thing of calligraphic chaos.
Weird words are woven
into some coherent pattern
for the reader to readily discern;
Some hopeful aspiration
that denies or confirms
the appreciation the poet
hopes to earn
before time turns
his words to ashes.
 May 2017
Feggyr Citack
-on a recent case of carefree worldviewing

I don't care for the kidneys,
I **** on the heart and the brains.
Like a tumor I keep growing,
I will crush whatever remains.

Let me push aside the wall
between your house and mine.
Let me party in your garden;
share your wife, join me, live the life!

To hell with the environment,
let me **** into another man's glass.
Burning, flooding, starving...
well, I didn't do so, right?
The guy complaining is just an ***.

Don't worry about the future,
by our inflated egos we'll lift off.
We'll shake our heads in disbelief
of the crazy turmoil underneath.

Don't you worry about your children,
'cause once, they will be dead like you.
Don't you worry about remembrance:
your inner void will see you through.

     Take care, my friend.

— The End —