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 Nov 2019
Stephen E Yocum
The dog firmly placed his chin upon the old
man's knee, stirring him from sleep in his chair.
The only light in the room coming from the
television screen. The dog's gentle message
being, "Time we go to bed" dear friend.
A ritual event occurring more often now
and most likely tomorrow night again.

As the man slowly stood the dog pranced towards
the door, to go outside and do his required business.
The man also to the bathroom did retire, brushing of
teeth and to attend to his own urgent business.

Six years of twenty four seven companionship had
bonded them forever, each knowing the other as
only best friends or family can, both fully habituated
to the other's needs and routines.

The dog sat upon his own bed, close by to the man's
bed,  patiently waiting as he always did. The man leaned
down and took the dog's face and head into his hands,
forehead to forehead they paused while silent endearing
messages were, like every night, conveyed and mutually
affectionately received. Love as real as any.

The man climbed aboard his own bed, donning his CPAP
mask like a pilot before take off and arranged himself
in his fully-automatic-adjustable bed, then clapped his
hands twice to extinguish the lamp on the bedside table.

"Good night buddy, we'll have some more fun in the
morning." the man murmured, closing his eyes to sleep.

Another day ended as most now do, as will, all their
remaining shared tomorrow's.
 Nov 2019
Sally A Bayan


The night is disguised
scent of pine permeates the walls
moon-glowed dancefloor calls...

"A Certain Smile," plays,
two masked silhuouettes dance close,
in sweet abandon...

hearts are beating fast this night's charade,
lovers.....just for t'night...


Copyright Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
October 31, 2019
 Nov 2019
i met her in a bar down in memphis teneese
she was standing there looking straight at me
with her sparkling eyes and a smile upon her face
sent the soul in me to diffferent place

then we danced together on the bar room floor
dancing cheek to cheek my heart began to soar
with each dance we had i just loved her more
such a lovely feeling i never felt before

everything i dreamed of was dancing there with me
the girl that i wished for it was meant to be
we settled down together raised a family
with the girl i met in memphis teneesee

i wont forget that night in memphis teneesee
when  i met the girl that was meant for me
her and i together it was meant to be
that i settled down with and raised a family
 Nov 2019
Pagan Paul
So feint the rhythm of life,
a weak pulse seeking to hide,
the smell of fresh rain coming,
as clouds build high on the side.
Long waiting for cool moisture,
the promise is close at hand,
teasing out the breaking heart,
the rhythm of life unplanned.

© Pagan Paul (28/07/19)
 Oct 2019
Her cheeks a'blooming
Fresh petals
Assuming a charm
All their own....

Flesh roses
In a flute of bone.

Her arms are strong wings
Ethereal beauty, poised
For her journey, as a
Tern is
On its long feathered flight
From the North
She wings her way

To the South
Only to meet
The arctic waste
Once more...

Yet the flesh roses never fade

For they are
frozen with tears.

Catherine Jarvis
Another poem for the book. This illustration done by Sarah, who has a skilled touch & wonderful imagination.
 Oct 2019
Rochelle Foles
it was
     a dastardly decision
         deeming fated
         to deny a future

filled with dismay
     furtive deeds     designed to forget

the futility of dark days
i have, it seems, always loved Sylvia Plath.  This is  a reflection on losing her far too soon.

if you know someone whom you worry about losing in the same way do all you can to get them help. stay w them. let them know how their demise would affect you and those they’ve touched.  call the hotline, call an ambulance.  pray, do that voodoo you do.  intercede.  their life may depend on it.
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