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 Aug 2021
Not on stars, or skies
Not on rocks, or trees
Not on mountains, or valleys
Or on rivers, or streams

Not on daylight, or night
Not on waking, or sleep
Not on coins, or on clovers
But on prayer that you will see
 Jul 2021
Valsa George
Staying by the sea
under the canopy of the sky
amid rising and falling lilts
of euphonic melody
I partook
of a mass nuptial ceremony
when the waves garlanded
the regal rocks in coy mirth
with the closely strung
white blossoms of fluffy froth!
 Jul 2021
There is beauty
in these depths.

But you’d have
to drown
to see it.
 Apr 2021
Valsa George
he panted heavily
muscles twitching in his naked body
running frenzied, without looking back,
he shouted, “He is after me.... my life”
a rip roaring cry....!

the traffic halted
pedestrians stopped
people from shops came out
women through curtained windows peeped
children stopped their play

“so drunk”.... a man murmured
“A crack”.... someone shouted
“coming right after an ****”
sneered, an oldie...
“pity on him...! Take him to an asylum”
one gentleman suggested.
he needs help, majority opined
‘nab this plague’, the moral police quipped

what is he running from...?

an Assailant....?
corona virus....?
his own phantom...?
two sane men staying,
at a corner wondered.
they had masks on their face

“must be a health worker”..!
one of them said...
“yes, the subtle nuances of an agonized mind”
the other agreed!

as the scene on the road,
had grown into a high voltage drama,
dissensions grew and multiplied!
 Mar 2021
Seranaea Jones

in order to

i must learn
to write

s jones

12 Mar 2021
They're not being caught in the safety net
not while the rich are getting
what the poor should get.
 Jan 2021
I had a thought
the other day
(in the shower).

And we
(in our fooling around)
both slipped and fell
on a bar of soap
called reality.

Painfully fun it was.
Hue hue.

From my second notebook titled "Shower Thoughts."
 Jan 2021
..Hug the world and..
E   M   B   R   A   C   E
You don't have to love
Lose your steadfastness
Or even change the un
Be true and moral, grace
Tolerate, don't cheat or hate
 Dec 2020
In my waking
The chaos sinks
I waist no time
To stop and think

The moment is now
I ponder my world
My deadlines
My children
My special girl

Pet my dogs
Sip my coffee
Hit a bowl
Write a poem

Work out
Play guitar
Walk in nature
Off I go
To bed alone
Traveler Tim

I’m going to get a job one of these days...
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