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As the crystal-clear freshwater
trickles steadily off the glazy rocks,

The sound replenishes my soul
with vitality - on my heart,
serenity, it knocks.

As the dying rusty leaves
float along
the heavenly stream,

My peace-filled mind
goes off into
a beautiful, sweet daydream.

I ponder over recollections
of all the precious magical moments
that together
we have both shared
over the years,

All of the memories we have made -
all of the beautiful words he spoke,
they were all remedies,
conquering all of my fears.

The struggles and the challenges,
together, we took them all on,

Hope, love and faith
were the tools we both used,
hand-in-hand, to rid them
and have them all vanish and be
forever gone.

As the birds flutter in the branches
of the giant trees above my head,

In my mind,
like a delicate melody,
I hear all of the beautiful words
he has said to me
over the course of our lives together,
as far back as the day we met -
before we wed.

Like the crystal-clear freshwater
rushing down the heavenly stream,

All of the amazing moments
and the not forgotten good times
flood my beautiful sweet daydream.

And once again,
revitalized by the serenity
of the heavenly peaceful creek,
the incredible amount of love
I feel for him increases
once more,

My undying love
is born again,
I am to be in love
with my beautiful man
infinitely - forevermore.

By Lady R.F ©2017
The one
that used to hold you up
can often end up being the one
that buries you,

Deep down
beneath the damp, cold,
lonely ground,
you are placed
with your broken lifeless heart,
your ripped-out soul
and what ever else
is left of you.

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Feb 2017
Elizabeth Squires
the Australian men's tennis final
will be played tonight
two veterans of the game
being the main highlight

their fantastic serving
and all court mastery on display
which has thrilled sport's lovers
for many a long day

both these men won't fail
in showing their racquet skill
over the years they've developed
a fine professional drill

Federer with his delicate
string touches down the line
and Nadal's backhand speed
hitting the ball so divine

what a great match we'll see
as they meet across the net
every point will be a fabulous
battle on that you can bet

the hours are counting down
to the contest's big game
where a conqueror shall raise
the trophy of winning name
 Feb 2017
ajit peter
My wish to rhyme
One day one time
Church bells chime
Sinner I am
Fed not the poor
Clothed not the poor
Sinner I am
One day one time
Only words to rhyme
Save me
Or drown me
To be
Let it be
Life let it be
Even to my enemy
As suffered by me
By me
One day
One time
Let bells chime
 Jan 2017
Seán Mac Falls
( Haiku )*

Night Music

Her voice so plaintive
My ears never so joyous
Moans under light sheets

Sun Rides

Time so beauteous
Round fields traveled in flower
Wheeling in the sun

Light Shoots

Hands and lips twining
In the sun a garden grows
Lovers in a field

Daughter Nature

Such dazzle waking
Her morning hair brightened air
Lemon scent of sun

Heavens' Apparition

Sleet fog raking skies
Ghost mountains strobe in distance
Both here and not here

Dream Lovers

Moist wind strafes garden
Among maples and water
One day we shall kiss

Sparkle days

Night dreams conjure births
Such waiting life waking us
Bird song in morning
If I could gather every star in the night sky,
it would not fill me with as much pleasure
or satisfaction as spending a few precious moments together
with him.

If I could catch a ride on an eagle
and fly through the heavenly clouds,
I would not feel higher than I do
then when I am all alone
with him.

If I could gather
every beautiful flower, everyday,
from every glorious field in nature,
  it would not please my heart
as much as a single rose
that he, alone, picks just for me.

If I could live here, on earth, infinitely,
and be forever young,
it would mean nothing to me,
unless he was there, standing beside me -
So, I pray that he will never want to walk
a single foot alone,
without me.

If he could get lost inside my soul,
inside my mind,
and deep down inside my heart,
deeper than he has ever been before,
he would realise
that he is the reason why
my heart wears smiles,

For him,
I would walk through blazing, raging fires,
for he, has always been, my only desire,
For him,
I would go above and beyond
a million miles.

By Lady R.F ©2017
I love my husband
more than any words
can express.
dont denigrate the naysayer
for saying what he sees
while you may not believe your eyes
belief is not to be believed
nothing real needs proving
but everything real can be
there is no need for blind devotion
when with your eyes open you simply see
 Jan 2017
The children have lived
I never knew

One went to war
One went to deprivation
Both knew true suffering

I stand beyond
time and distance's separation
offering meager alms

Some of us are salmon
struggling up stream
Others are hawks
flying free in the jet stream

I don't know about you
but transitions
have never come easily
for me

Intervention or natural consequences
The rolling dice play out

In the end
the outcomes will come
long after I'm done and gone.
 Jan 2017
I must say that life is good as it drains away
took me a while
to fully realize her beauty in her pain
her smile in all her cries
the softness in the hard refrains
all the good in the days
i saw as wasted
life plays no games
it comes around
and slaps you in the face
wakes you from
that dream
you sleep
gets lost in
awake and dreams  but
the real thing
you'll see too
one day
then realize
how much you've
and seen
 Jan 2017
Akira Chinen
She was an old jazz song played on a broken piano string tied to the moon and the scars of his heart
He was the twisted and warped kneck of the ghost of a violin haunting the halls of her soul
Their love was lost long ago in a forest forgotten by time and swallowed by eternity
They both wandered the world never knowing the others name but finding each other every night at the brief moment between sleep and dreams
and they would both hear each others music as it was sewn note for note into the fabric of true love
and they would wake miles and mountains apart and years away and yet still feel the nights song flowing within the pulse of their blood
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